Ahh, Halloween. The time to get dressed up as your favorite things or characters and enjoy some fun with your friends. Thinking of a costume is often the hardest part of the entire Hallo-weekend process, but don’t worry, we have you covered this year. Snag one of these SLO-inspired costume ideas and have a fun – and safe! – Halloween.
1. SLO Donut Company
Nothing shows your love for San Luis Obispo’s favorite donut shop like a Halloween costume dedicated to its unique and delicious treats. There are multiple different ways to do this – you could be the most popular person at the party and bring an actual box of donuts from SloDoCo (When people ask you what you are, you tell them you’re dressed up as the coolest SloDoCo delivery person around). You can also purchase one of SloDoCo’s trendy t-shirts or if you’re feeling crafty, you can even make your own – there are countless versions of iron-on donut designs that are perfect for turning any normal t-shirt into a SloDoCo masterpiece.
2. Madonna Inn
Make a DIY shirt with the word “Inn” on it and accessorize your outfit with the popstar Madonna’s iconic fashion looks, like a tutu and lots of bling, to make a pun on the famous Madonna Inn located in San Luis Obispo.
3. Bike night
If you spend enough time in San Luis Obispo, you’ll quickly learn about Bike Night – the monthly night bicyclists collectively swarm the community. With a black t-shirt and glitter glue, you can draw on stars and a bike – or you can even attach mini toy bikes – to embody this iconic San Luis Obispo event.
4. Bishop Peak
This one is for all you pun-loving people out there. Bishop Peak is a well-known and well-loved hiking destination in the San Luis Obispo area. All you need is a bishop’s hat and a shirt that says “peak” or peaking” to rock this punny costume.
5. WOWie
Throw on any and all spirit wear that you and your roommates and your neighbors and your friends own. Be sure to wear a lanyard around your neck (bonus points if it’s a Cal Poly lanyard) and make sure you put your Poly Card in it – you can reminisce about the good old days of Freshman year and walk around the party offering people to buy them Starbucks with your Plus Dollars.
6. WOW Leader
Get your hands on one of those impossibly bright yellow shirts or make your own. If you choose to go DIY, you have a lot of creative opportunities. WOW leaders write their name, group number and group name on the back of their shirts, so if you want to get even more into the Halloween spirit, try out some group names like, “613 Happy Halloween,” “202 Boo!” or “330 Let’s get spooky.”
7. Musty The Mustang
Whip out your favorite Cal Poly t-shirt or sports jersey. Throw on some animal ears and a tail and you’re ready to make an appearance as everyone’s favorite Cal Poly mustang.