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Beach study sesh
Beach study sesh
Original photo by Reily Sheeran

Finding your Surf and Study Balance: How to Prioritize What Really Matters

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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Cal Poly chapter.

At Cal Poly, we pride ourselves on being driven, hardworking students. Between juggling classes, extracurriculars, and internships, there’s a constant push to excel. While it’s great to stay productive and on top of your work, there’s a flip side that’s often overlooked – taking care of yourself. Self care goes beyond just sleeping enough or staying healthy; it’s equally important to make time for the things you love. Your personal passions keep you grounded and remind you of who you are outside of school, and they deserve a place in your life.

I would be lying if I told you I don’t lie awake at night stressing over the internship I haven’t done or the test I just bombed. Sometimes I feel like I am in constant competition with everyone at Cal Poly, like I’m racing to keep up with a crowd that’s always one step ahead, a never ending race where I’ve somehow got a bum leg and forgot my running shoes. As a student, I understand the importance of keeping up with academics, but I’ve also learned that it shouldn’t come at the cost of the things that bring me joy. 

Beyond the Basics

When people think of self care, the basics come to mind: getting enough rest, eating well, and staying healthy. While those things are essential, true self care also involves making space for the things that light you up. For me, it’s surfing. For you, it might be something entirely different, but the principle remains the same: you must nurture your passions, because they’re a part of who you are.

It’s easy to get caught up in the grind – there’s always another exam, paper, or project looming. Taking time for yourself, whether it’s an hour of surfing or a short coffee break, helps you show up as your best self when it’s time to get back to work.

Maintaining your Identity

One of the most important lessons I’ve learned is that I’m more than my grade point average or the number of clubs I’m involved in. My identity isn’t solely defined by my academic achievements, and neither is yours. I’m currently taking a class focused on perfecting my resume. This article was actually inspired by the existential spiral this class has recently sent me into. When I say spiral, I mean last night I spent three hours trying to decide whether to list my job at the juice bar as “master of blenders” or “smoothie artist”. Pathetic right? It’s so easy to lose sight of what makes us unique when we’re constantly focused on schoolwork, like getting stuck in an endless loop of folding laundry – necessary, but hardly inspiring. That’s why it’s so important to keep doing the things that make you feel alive, even when life gets busy.

Personally, I make it a priority to surf at least a few times a week, even if it means waking up early to catch some waves before class. It’s my way of maintaining my identity and reconnecting with what I love. Whatever your passion may be, don’t let it fade into the background because of academic pressures.

The Ripple Effect of Balance

What I’ve found is that making time for surfing actually helps me be more productive. It might seem counterintuitive, but stepping away from your studies to engage in something you love can recharge your brain and give you fresh energy to tackle assignments. The key is to strike a balance – when you’re giving your best to your studies and your passions, both will benefit.

Practical Tips for Achieving Balance

If you’re feeling overwhelmed, it might seem impossible to fit in time for personal passions, but with a little planning, it’s entirely possible. Here are some tips that work for me:

  1. Block out time for your hobbies: Treat it like an appointment. Set aside time on your calendar just like you would for class or a meeting, and stick to it.
  2. Set boundaries with schoolwork: It’s easy to let school consume all your time, but setting a clear boundary (stop reading at 7 p.m.) can free up space for activities you love.
  3. Take mini breaks: If you can’t commit to hours of free time, find smaller moments during the day to do something for yourself. Skincare, a walk, or even a 20 minute break to stare at a wall (I’ve been there) can make a big difference.

At the end of the day, being driven and productive is important, especially in a fast paced academic environment like Cal Poly, but don’t forget that you are more than your studies. Taking care of yourself means honoring your passions and giving them space to thrive in your life. Surf, paint, dance – whatever it is that brings you joy, make time for it. When you prioritize what really matters, everything else falls into place.

Your fellow competitor,


Reily Sheeran is a second year student at Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo studying Agricultural Business. Passionate about how sustainable practices impact both the economy and the health of communities, she aims to leverage this knowledge one day by owning her own business, combining her love for wellness and entrepreneurship. Outside of school, she loves to read and write. She finds joy in expressing herself through her writing, sharing personal insights, and connecting with readers. In her free time she enjoys surfing and painting. She is apart of Cal Poly's garden club and an active sorority member. If there was a fire and she could only save one thing it would be her headphones.