Name:Â Josh Porterfield
Major:Â Political Science
Year:Â Senior
Hometown:Â Snellville, Georgia
Relationship status:Â Single
Her Campus:Â What are some of your hobbies?
Josh Porterfield:Â I love traveling, sailing and aviation, tinkering with computers, and exploring the world.
HC:Â What is your best personality trait?
JP:Â I would say my willingness to help others is my best personality trait.
HC:Â Which fictional character is most like you?
JP:Â Harry Potter. He is trusting, loyal, brave, and not afraid to venture outside of his comfort zone. He always sees the good in people, and I would say that describes me pretty well.
HC:Â What song is your personal anthem?
JP: “Livin’ on a Prayer” by Bon Jovi. The song inspires me when things are tough in my life, and allows me to look forward to the future and know that there is always a light at the end of the tunnel.
HC:Â Which superpower do you wish you had?
JP:Â Definitely teleportation, because there have been many times when I have wanted to get from one place to another very quickly.
HC:Â What is your favorite food?
JP:Â My absolute favorite food is Chicago-style deep dish pizza. I also am a huge fan of Mexican food, especially burritos.
HC:Â Where would you go on your dream vacation?
JP:Â There are so many places I really would love to go to that it is impossible to pick just one. Some of my top choices are Russia, the Canadian Rockies, and Iceland.
HC:Â Who is your celebrity crush?
JP:Â Jennifer Lawrence, she is not only incredibly attractive but is an amazing role model for our generation. I admire what she has done to combat the stereotypical Hollywood actress.
HC:Â What do you admire most in a girl?
JP:Â I love girls who are adventurous but who also care a lot about other people.
HC:Â Describe your ideal date.
JP:Â Exploring a city that neither of us knows much about and finding what makes the city unique. Every city has its own character, and I would love to share the experience of discovering it with a girl.
HC:Â What are some things on your bucket list?
JP: I really want to get my pilot’s license and scuba certification. I also dream of visiting all 50 states and exploring as much of the world as I can before I die.
HC: What’s the best piece of advice anyone has ever given you?
JP: “Go. There’s nothing stopping you.” It really resonates with me because it tells me that I can accomplish anything in life that I set out to do. It enables me to live my life without regrets and not be afraid to do anything.
HC:Â If you were to become the President of the United States, what is the first thing you would do?
JP:Â I would do everything in my power to ensure that men and women receive equal wages. I would also reform the tax system to ensure that everyone pays their fair share and that there are no exemptions that benefit one income group over the other.
HC:Â Where do you see yourself ten years from now?
JP: I see myself as the President of the United States… no, not really. I do see myself settled down with a family and working for the government in order to better the lives of others.Â