Name: Sean Kinsella
Hometown: Rocklin, CA
Year: Junior
Major: Business Administration – Financial Management
Minor: Statistics
Her Campus: What are you involved with on campus?
Sean Kinsella: Currently, I am a program director of Beyond Shelter with Student Community Services, an intermediate microeconomics tutor (ECON 311) for Student Support Services, a peer mentor for the Orfalea College of Business and a member of the Leadership Development Team within the Mentor Connection. Previously, I was a peer teacher of leadership studies in the Orfalea College of Business and a student assistant for introduction to corporate finance (BUS 342). Throughout college, I have been an avid IM Sports athlete. I have played soccer, softball and flag football.
HC: Where do you find time to be as involved as you are?
SK: Staying on top of school at times can be difficult because of my extracurriculars, but I am able to do so by keeping a planner that details exactly what I am going to be doing each day. Also, I set academic goals throughout the day and check them off as I accomplish them to keep myself accountable for school work.
HC: What advice would you give to incoming freshman?
SK: Go into college having created a “college bucket list,” which details a list of things that you want to accomplish while at college. Ask as many questions as you can to friends, parents, teachers, advisors and mentors who have to been to college. Ask them what their favorite part about college was. What are some must-do’s while at college and what was something they wish they had done? Ask other questions that you have as well! Above all, I would say the number one thing that I would want anyone to say upon walking at graduation is “I did it all!” College is about discovering who you really are and what you are passionate about. Experiencing as much as you can will help you become a well-rounded individual and will help you find what it is that makes you tick.
HC: Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
SK: I plan on being a Marine Corps Veteran who has also been on a Peace Corp Mission in South America who is currently doing sports management and/or finance work for a professional sports organization.
HC: If you had to describe yourself in three words, what would they be?
SK:Â I am bold.
HC: If you could have a superpower what would be?
SK: I would definitely want to either be able to read minds or be able to heal others.
HC: Do you have any hidden talents?
SK:Â I have a really large vocal range. I can go from really low to really high. This hidden talent does not help my singing ability, unfortunately. I do find myself to be a pretty epic shower singer, but I am afraid that might just be my opinion.
HC: Anything people would be surprised to know about you?
SK:Â Â I generally eat really healthy, but if you put a plate of chocolate chip cookies or a loaf of banana bread in front of me, you better run because I am like a lion going after my prey. Also, I really enjoy Yogilates. I love take photographs, especially during the night.