Study Happy: Stress Relievers
Oftentimes we find ourselves over doing it. We pile on homework, exams, work and extracurricular activities –- anything that might look good on a resume. We spend a late night cramming in the library for an exam the next morning and get to the exam just to realize that our brains are fried and we are too exhausted, hungry and cranky to be able to apply anything we just spent hours studying. This is a hole so many of us find ourselves in around midterms and finals week –- a bad habit we can’t seem to kick.
You find yourself so stressed out or anxious to a point where you might want to cry, give u, or fake the death of a family member just to get a little extra time. All of this is happening in your head while the dark circles under your eyes enlarge, you begin to break out, your back and neck start dying from sitting in the same exact spot for 24 hours and your eyes burn out of their sockets from staring too long at a computer screen. Managing your stress is a process and a lifestyle; one that will help us to be happier and healthier in the long haul. Here are a few ways to do just that.
Do Something Comforting
Take a deep breath and a step back when you find yourself a bit over-loaded. Remember that panicking doesn’t help! For every hour and a half of studying, take a break. Take your eyes off of the computer screen, your face out of the book and walk around a bit. Get your blood flowing to the rest of your body and drink some water or tea.
Eat Right!
A lab study from the U.S. National Library of Medicine found that stress led to increased intake of sweet, fatty foods. Who hasn’t fallen prey to the lure of the vending machine during a multiple-hour study marathon?
During exams we find ourselves putting exercise and healthy food last when it comes to arranging our day. We don’t want to take the time to prepare a nutritious meal or snack, so we eat the easiest and most convenient things, like the coffee shop pastries and processed snack foods that have absolutely no nutritional value. Food like this will starve your brain of the important vitamin and minerals that you seriously need during test-time.  Instead of unhealthy options, eat foods rich in iron and vitamin B to fuel your brain all day for optimal studying. Foods like red meats, legumes, whole grains, eggs and nuts are great options!
Before a week of exam sneaks up on you, prepare with a couple easy meals like tuna salad or meat and bean chili to keep in the refrigerator. Take snacks like trail mix or Lara Bars, unprocessed nutrition bars that you can find at your local market. It is so important to stay away from foods high in sugar, because after you indulge you’ll find yourself crashing and then craving another hit. Energy crashes cause lots of anxiety because your brain is not performing the way you need it to. You can also avoid this and keep yourself fueled by eating small meals every few hours. For more information about eating habits during exams, check out Start Cooking Online.
Your body AND your brain need it! Getting exercise leaves you refreshed and able to refocus your attention before or after a long day of studying. Use an hour to take advantage of the amazing hiking around San Luis Obispo and pick a mountain. Take a yoga class at our billion-dollar recreation center and then lay out by the pool for 20 minutes. Exercise goes hand in hand with relaxation and focus. Getting a little exercise during a stressful time, especially during exams, is known to improve cognitive skills like memorization and multitasking. Check out the New York times Well Blog for more info.
So stay relaxed and healthy to manage your stress. Maintaining healthy habits and preparing for difficult times will help prevent break outs, melt downs and sleepless nights. Come exam-time, you’ll be happy, healthy and well on your way to that A.