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Flu-Proof Your Fun: Five Ways To Stay Healthy and Vibrant This Season

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Cal State Chico chapter.

How are you? Isn’t the fall such a beautiful time? The gentle wind, the changing of the leaves. I’ve always loved this time of year, mainly due to the fact that this is about the same time you begin asking out your class crush. The semester is half way done– you are beginning to make new friends, there are more events and more cute dates to attend. However, sometimes life takes unexpected turns. In the midst of all the joy and excitement, it’s not uncommon for people to experience the downside of seasonal changes, such as falling victim to the flu or a nasty cold. The transition from the vibrant activities of autumn to the sniffles and aches of an impending illness can be quite abrupt. So, we will be going over the top five ways to beat a cold during this flu season.

  1. Garlic

Being the son of a holistic healer, my mom is always giving me different herbs and remedies to kill my cold. But, there is nothing in the world that tops garlic. Garlic contains compounds such as allicin, which is known for its antiviral properties. Allicin has been shown to exhibit activity against a variety of viruses, including some that cause the common cold. This National Laborory of Medicine study states that garlic is, “a promising candidate for preventing and treating different health conditions and contains “antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and lipid-lowering activities.” What I do is chop up a clove of garlic and put it into a spoon, hold my nose, and swallow while chasing it with a glass of water. You might be stinky but after a few days, you’ll be as good as new!

  1. Blast some Billie Holiday!

How beautiful is the scene? Tissues scattered all throughout your bed,with half a cup of chamomile tea steaming on the bedside table. Your crush texts you, expressing how badly they want to send you DoorDash, but you aren’t hungry because your head is killing you. But, it’s the thought that counts, right? To add to the ambiance, a doctor recommends Billie Holiday. Huh? It might sound crazy, but according to Amy Novotney of the American Psychological Association, “listening to and playing music increases the body’s production of the antibody immunoglobulin A and natural killer cells — the cells that attack invading viruses and boost the immune system’s effectiveness. Music also reduces levels of the stress hormone cortisol.” So kick back and don’t only let Billie soothe your soul, but also that runny nose.

  1. Gargle!

Look, I can handle fevers all day, but when it comes to a scratchy throat, that’s where I draw the line. I battled strep throat in my childhood pretty much every year, and the only thing that ever helped me was gargling warm saltwater. The warmth of the water can help soothe a sore or scratchy throat, providing temporary relief from discomfort, and the salt has natural anti-inflammatory properties. Gargling with salt water may help reduce inflammation in the throat, which is particularly useful for conditions like pharyngitis. If you really want to boost your gargle, get some Betadine. In a recent National Library of Medicine study done by Aditi Chopra, it was found that, “0.5% povidone iodine (PVP-I) mouth rinse/gargle for 30 s can reduce SARS-CoV-2 virus infectivity to below detectable levels. PVP-I can even interrupt SARS-CoV-2 attachment to oral and nasopharyngeal tissues and lower the viral particles in saliva and respiratory droplets.”

Betadine solutions are usually highly concentrated, and using them undiluted for gargling can be too strong and may cause irritation. It’s crucial to dilute Betadine according to the instructions on the product or as advised by a healthcare professional. Gargle the diluted Betadine solution at the back of your throat for about 15-30 seconds without swallowing it. Then, spit it out. Do not swallow the Betadine solution, as ingesting iodine in excessive amounts can be harmful.

  1. Swap Out That Workout for Rest

To my fellow gym-goers, if you are beginning to feel sick, take a few rest days. I know, I know, you are in a routine and you’ve been killing it, and the worst part about working out is the first few days back. However, it’s important to allow your body time to rest. When you’re already sick, your immune system is working hard to fight off the illness. Dr. Meyers of Unity Point Health states that, “Only your body can tell you how quickly you can resume your prior level of activity. You should keep in mind that you’ve used up your reserves inside to fight off the infection. Start low and go slow. Hitting the gym hard to make up for lost time can lead to muscle damage and other injuries. Specifically, if you’ve been dehydrated, your kidneys may have suffered also, and the kidney needs to clear toxins created by exercise.” If you are not feeling too bad, consider a brisk walk or some yoga!

  1. Stay Hydrated

If you think you are drinking a lot of water, multiply it by two. Illnesses such as fevers, colds, and flu can lead to increased fluid loss through sweating, coughing, and sometimes vomiting. James White, M.D. says, “Fluids help in coughs, colds and upper respiratory infections (URI’s) by keeping your mucus thin so it can be cleared from the lungs and sinuses. A normal healthy adult produces a liter of liquid mucus every day in the respiratory tract. The mucociliary transport mechanism works best if mucus is not too thick.” Staying well-hydrated helps replenish lost fluids, preventing dehydration. Proper hydration is crucial for overall bodily functions and can support your body in its efforts to recover. So fill those Stanley cups up to the brim and feel better soon!

Haston Paul

Cal State Chico '24

Haston is currently a 25-year old student at Chico State. He grew up in Los Angeles. Haston loves the color navy blue, In n Out, and the ocean. He has a passion for romance and poetry, the moon, and meeting new people. He enjoys stargazing and practices fortune telling! He spends most days in solitude, listening to music and writing about his daydreams. Haston's Horoscope Chart: Sun Sign (Zodiac Sign): Sagittarius - 7th House (28° 8') Ascendant / Rising Sign: Gemini (19° 22') Moon Sign: Virgo - 4th House (7° 32') Mercury Sign: Sagittarius - 7th House (21° 51') Venus Sign: Aquarius - 8th House (3° 1') Mars Sign: Aquarius - 8th House (1° 21') Outer Planets: Jupiter Sign: Aquarius - 9th House (19° 51') Saturn Sign: Aries - 11th House (13° 32') Uranus Sign: Aquarius - 9th House (6° 30') Neptune Sign: Capricorn - 8th House (28° 32') Pluto Sign: Sagittarius - 6th House (6° 21')