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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Cal State Chico chapter.

The time has come. It is officially football season. You know what that means… It’s time to curl up on the couch, make a crockpot full of chili, and watch your boyfriend yell at the TV for hours on end. Right now, there is an epidemic of girlfriends who are frustrated by the fact that they just lost Sundays to their boyfriends’ fantasy football teams. What if I were to tell you that fantasy football is something that you can be knowledgeable about? In the least “pick-me” way possible, I LOVE fantasy football! I am currently in my fourth year of being in a league (or three). It is an interesting, fun way to become involved in something truly exhilarating. 

In all fairness, I think the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders documentary has caused a surge of women to be interested in the world of football. While being a woman who loves sports comes with some pros, there is also a big group of men that are that basically telling you that you don’t know anything. Fine, I don’t care. That’s where the trash talking comes in. But for now, just know that if you think this sounds fun, who cares about what the testosterone fuelled men think? Join an all women’s league! There is definitely some girls out there who are more than willing to have a convo with you about their football teams, fantasy leagues, and outfit inspiration. Here is the rundown of everything that you need to know about the upcoming football season.


The basic premise of fantasy football: 

To be quite honest, you might need a little bit of a background in knowing the rules, positions, and players of football right now. Of course, research can be done so that you’re aware of these things, but it is definitely an advantage to have a little experience in the realm, beyond just Taylor Swift (no shade). I’m going to try to explain this the best that I can. 

First, you’ll be in a league of typically 8-12 people. A draft will be held, typically a live one, where you’re all actively drafting at the same time. You will draft your team, and adjust your lineup every week based on who is performing well, who is on a bye week, or who is injured. When you’re drafting players, you’re drafting a variety of different positions, and a variety of different teams. You’re going to want good wide receivers and running backs, because they score a lot of points for your team. Each week, you go head to head with another person in your league. The entire point of this matchup is so that your players, that you drafted, outscore the other person’s players in that particular week. To compare it to makeup terms, it’s like using a bunch of different products, from different brands based on what condition your skin is in, and how much makeup you want to wear. Here is a more helpful article: Fantasy Football for Beginners.

Honestly, the concept is really fun and easy to pick up on. Maybe after a little bit of research, you’ll be able to join into some football related conversations with your boyfriend during the long Sundays of football watching. Honestly, I do love watching football, but I also love snuggling up on the couch and eating some soup, or baking something for the week ahead while it’s on in the background. 

For the girls:

I would highly recommend Allison Kuch’s podcast, Sunday Sports Club, as she is a football wife and just released an episode on fantasy football. There are also so many NFL wives on Tik Tok that are worth a follow to see some behind the scenes of this NFL season. Some of the fan favorites are of course, Alix Earle (NFL girlfriend), Chanen Johnson (Juandchan), and Emily Engram. There is starting to be more and more popularity for the wives of football, and I love watching their videos. I love game day fit checks, and watching what goes on for their families. 

Football season is upon us, and maybe this year will be different for my fellow ladies out there!

McKenzie Kirsch

Cal State Chico '25

McKenzie (Kenzie) Kirsch is the current Editor-in-Chief for the Her Campus Chico Chapter. Kenzie is a fourth-year at Chico State, studying English Education in hopes of being an English teacher. Kenzie has also picked up a minor in Child Development, and has made the Dean's List for five out of six semesters at Chico State. She likes having fun, but is also very serious about her studies as well. She is originally from a small town in Northern California called Wheatland, about 30 minutes north of Sacramento, CA. She loves the community of Chico and is very happy to be spending her college years here. Kenzie is also an active member of the Alpha Gamma Delta sorority, and has made lifelong memories there. Outside of school, she likes to bake, read and write, workout and hike! Chico is the perfect place to explore and meet new people. She is so excited to be a member of Her Campus and continue her writing journey!