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GRWM To Review Alix Earle’s New Podcast, ‘Hot Mess with Alix Earle’

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Cal State Chico chapter.
My Main takeaways from the first 3 episodes!

Alix Earle has taken social media by storm. From coining the phrase “Get Ready with Me” to taking her TikTok viewers along to party with her at clubs all over the world, Alix is the new “it girl” and has gained an immense amount of popularity and followers on TikTok (5.9 million to be exact!). It didn’t come as much of a surprise when she announced to fans that she would be starting her very own podcast, Hot Mess with Alix Earle. Alix is known for sharing stories about her adventures and debriefing her wild nights out with her followers.

I have been a follower and lover of Alix from the beginning. At first, I watched her videos to check out what products she uses for her makeup videos, but now I love her for her vulnerability and charismatic personality. Even though I am not a huge podcast fan, I knew I had to tune in in order to get the real inside scoop on her situationship and sorority drama, and to keep up with all her travels.

Episode #1: “Just Friends

This episode is probably my favorite. I listened to it while at the gym and could not help myself from laughing out loud at my phone. She starts off addressing the rumors about her relationship with Braxton Barrios (who she refers to as “NFL Man”), and explains that they are “Just Friends.” This goes to show Alix’s realness with her followers, while also breaking the stigma of girls wanting a non-committed relationship, or even what is now referred to as a “situationship.”

“What if I don’t want to be in a relationship? Society can sometimes make it seem like girls are the ones who are distraught and need the guys and need to be in a relationship. But that’s just not the case.”

-Alix Earle, “Hot Mess with Alix Earle”

This episode was extremely relatable for any college girl as Alix sits in bed with her best friends/old roommates and reflects back at their freshman year at The University of Miami. Doing so, they share laughs about one of her roommates trying out to be the school mascot and another time she slept under bleachers at a middle school after a mishap with her Uber. I absolutely loved this genuine aspect of the episode and it reminded me of my relationship with my roommates. Listeners can really feel like they are a part of a debrief with Alix and laugh with her and her friend group as they share their funny college memories.

Episode #2: “My Sorority Nightmare

In this episode, Alix gets candid about her experience going through sorority recruitment, as well as a recent medical experience of hers. The segment regarding her sorority experience was very intriguing and relatable, and it was my main highlight of the episode. She explains how she was dropped by the two sororities she was dying to be in, and how both were viewed as the “top houses” by all her friends. She experienced all of her freshman-year friend group joining these two sororities while she joined a different one that she didn’t love as much. Shortly after, she ended up dropping her sorority, and soon realized the lack of importance sororities has over making friends. She felt that she had met her core group prior to recruitment and wanted to stick by their sides.

I really enjoyed this episode because as someone involved in greek life, I know the positive aspects it has brought to my life. However, I also know first-hand that girls often form presumptions and stereotypes towards different sororities and let “ranks” get into their minds that can definitely alter the recruitment experience and stress everyone out way more than necessary. I agree with Alix that you absolutely do not need to be in a sorority to make friends in college. Even if your friends choose to be in greek life, you won’t get left behind by people who truly deserve you!

Sydney White / Amanda Bynes
Universal Pictures

[Content warning: This last section does mention eating disorders]

Episode #3: “Overcoming My Eating Disorder

This episode showed a very emotionally raw side of Alix, one we do not see all that often. She opens up about her eating disorder and the impacts it has left on her. As a woman, I definitely got emotional while listening to Alix talk about the pressures to look a certain way and her reflection of the first time hearing girls in her life criticize their body or scrutinizing everything they would eat. It was hard to hear Alix’s experiences and struggles with eating and her body dysmorphia, but at the same time, it was comforting to hear her speak out and relate to a struggle so many of her listeners have faced themselves.

“I just went down such a bad path with myself and my body and my image that I started to have this body dysmorphia. ” 

-Alix Earle, “Hot Mess with Alix Earle”

I absolutely commend Alix for this episode. Her vulnerability is brave and meaningful, and her realness is admirable and so helpful to young women listening to her podcast. She states that her friends and family were able to pull her out of this mindset and offers encouragement to her listeners that there is hope for a better mental and physical place.

Overall, I highly recommend Hot Mess with Alix Earle, even for anyone that isn’t a huge podcast-lover. Her genuine personality is so refreshing and for any college girl, you will be sure to laugh and share some relatable moments with Alix and her many guests.

Elizabeth Morales

Cal State Chico '24

Elizabeth Morales is so excited to be a part of this new chapter of Her Campus, serving as Director of Administration. She is a senior at Chico State majoring in Political Science - Legal Studies and Criminal Justice. Elizabeth is hoping to go to law school post-grad! She is in Alpha Delta Pi, currently working as the Director of Public Relations and has loved having the opportunity to gain experience with marketing and graphic design. She is excited to continue this experience through Her Campus and is so grateful to be apart of a community of like-minded individuals bringing fun content and bonds to our cute little town!