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My Dopamine Menu: How to Feel Your Best Everyday

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Cal State Chico chapter.

Discovering what your Dopamine Menu is key to finding balance in everyday college life. If you have not heard of the recent TikTok trend of the ‘Dopamine Menu’ it is essentially your go-to list of activities and routines that make your day enjoyable and productive. In this article I have shared what I incorporate into my daily habits in order to promote a good mental balance, be a successful student, and live my life to the highest quality.

Get moving 

One of the best ways to get an instant hit of dopamine is to get your heart rate up. Getting movement in is my favorite way to destress and calm my mind. We are lucky enough at Chico State to have such an excellent gym with so many valuable amenities for students to use. One of my favorite ways to move my body is pilates. I absolutely loved taking the Tuesday and Thursday 9 a.m. mat pilates class at the WREC. I genuinely felt so strong and healthy after 6 weeks of consistency. Not only did the workout itself make me feel better, but the routine of waking up early and starting my day with a low-impact workout was amazing. Another exceptional option in Chico is walking in Bidwell Park. This is an activity I love to do with my roommates because it is so beautiful, especially in the fall when the trees are changing colors.

The Most Important Meal

We have all been told breakfast is the most important meal of the day and ever since coming to college, I really believe that to be true. I try to start every day with a nutritious and whole breakfast to give me energy like overnight oats, smoothies or breakfast tacos. I make overnight oats 4 times a week because I find it super convenient especially when I have an early class or work. Another important reminder is to incorporate enough protein into your overall diet. A well-balanced diet gives you the energy to be active, awake and productive all day long.

Treat yourself!

If there is one thing I love to do it is treating myself and relaxing – I have been told it is my superpower. Every week, I make a trip to Trader Joe’s for my grocery shopping and I always grab some flowers to put in my bedroom. Not only are they pretty to look at, but they elevate feelings of happiness. My least favorite time of day is 3-5 p.m. because by then I have already been up for 8 hours and am ready to hop back in bed. This is usually when I will have my midday pick me up – a crisp, cold can of Diet Coke, which hits the spot perfectly in the hot Chico weather. It really is the accumulation of the little things like flowers and a cold beverage that make me happy and satisfied. 

Winding Down

At the end of an extensive school and work day, all I want to do is relax. A long, hot shower is the perfect way to wind down and relax. Not only does it feel amazing, but it also improves sleep quality. After showering, I like to make a cup of sleepytime herbal tea. I was hesitant when I first purchased this, but trust me when I say it knocks me out fast. Another activity that relaxes my mind is writing in my journal because it allows me to process my thoughts and feelings in a calm, thoughtful manner. 

Creating a Dopamine Menu aides you in developing healthy habits and a fruitful life so you are not “doom” scrolling on social media all day and night. While I am by no means saying I quit social media, but, am instead practicing being aware of habits that can be potentially destructive to my mental well-being and overall happiness. These daily practices of mine force me to chase real dopamine, not the fake dopamine that 10-second videos give us.

Mary Hunsaker

Cal State Chico '25

Mary Hunsaker is a fourth-year student at Chico State, graduating in Spring of 2025. She is an Organizational Communication Studies major and minoring in Journalism & Public Relations. Mary grew up in Burlingame, California, a town located 25 minutes south of San Francisco. Mary hopes to have a career in corporate communications or at a public relations agency. She is a part of the writing team at Her Campus, Chico State, and is excited to share her writing with the community!