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Onto The Next: 5 Tips For Moving Onto The Next Chapter

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Cal State Chico chapter.

With two weeks to go, we’ve finally reached the end of the spring semester! The WREC pool is crowded, and those who’ve fallen behind are spending hours in the library catching up. For some of us, these are the last few weeks of school ever. This is the time when relationships and newfound friendships spring out of thin air. This closeness of our groups extends to people we may have never noticed were there. It’s like we know it’s almost over, but some part of us says it can’t be true. Can someone please queue up “Good Riddance (Time of Your Life)” by Green Day, please? Wherever you are on this journey, I wanted to offer some personal tips to help you in the next chapter.

Remember The Small Things

I know many of us feel like the world can sometimes suffocate us. The walls we built to protect ourselves are now closing in, and the water below is getting a little too deep. I know scrolling on Instagram, reading every cliché thing on positive affirmations, and hearing reassurance from your best friend may not be enough. But something still feels off! It’s like you’re trying to take on the world, but all you’ve got is a water bottle and a few dreams. There are moments when you just need to remember the small things. The sound of creaking swing sets at the park! The late-night drive to Winco, playing your favorite Her Campus playlist. Go look at that Chico sky right now and admire the moments of silence when everything falls still. We complicate our lives so much with work, school, the gym, and keeping up with the Joneses, which isn’t a bad thing. But sometimes you just need to feel at home in the little everyday things. So tonight, around 6-7, I want you to find a spot, preferably with grass and trees, and enjoy the beauty of it.

It’s Okay to Say No

In college, it seems like this entire new world is just ready to be explored. Sometimes we draw lines in the sand and swear we will never cross them. But then a 6’2 beautiful boy with the most beautiful hazel eyes comes and sits next to you. You swore you would never do drugs, but everyone is having such a good time and it seems like you would be missing out on something! It’s okay… but remember, if something doesn’t feel right or you find yourself in a position where you really don’t want to do something, just say no. For the most part, when someone says no, people respect it. They won’t keep pushing, and if they do, you can simply say, “I don’t feel comfortable,” and if they keep pushing, get out of there immediately. You can also use it as a test and notice how people react. I’m just saying, it’s crucial to remember that staying true to yourself and your values is more important than succumbing to peer pressure or the fear of missing out.

Time for Solitude

This is mainly for those graduating, but coming out of college and finding a job can seem like you’ve finally made it. You got your dream job, and it’s time to show the world what you’re made of! Yet, it may feel like the party is over. No more mixers and Riley’s on Tuesday night. No more roommates coming home with a bunch of people ready for some fun. This is the time in your life when you begin to find comfort within yourself. As you transition into the professional world, it’s natural to feel a sense of loss for the carefree days of college. The structure and routine of a job may initially feel restricting compared to the freedom of campus life. However, this period also offers an opportunity for personal growth and self-discovery. Without the constant distractions and social events, you have the chance to focus on your own interests and ambitions. It’s a time to nurture your passions, set new goals, and explore different facets of your identity. While the party scene may fade, the journey of self-exploration and career development opens up new avenues for fulfillment and satisfaction within yourself. 

Keep in Contact with Family

I know the days can get long and having your parents call you out of the blue on a Saturday night seems like the last thing you want. But the truth is, they miss you more than you know. I know those unexpected calls can seem like interruptions, but they’re reaching out from a place of love. In the midst of our busy lives, it’s easy to forget the depth of their longing for a glimpse into your world, a snippet of your day, or simply to hear your voice. So, when the phone rings and it’s mom or dad on the other end, maybe it’s worth taking a moment to answer, to share a laugh, or catch up on the week’s events. Because in those small exchanges lie the bonds that keep us tethered, reminding us of the precious ties that bind us together, even when miles apart.

You’ll Always Be a Wildcat

This is either the worst thing on the list or the best, but at the end of the day, you will always be a Chico Wildcat. Whether you fully embraced the Chico lifestyle or tried to stay away as much as possible, Chico will always hold a place in your heart. We are a family of 30,000 strong, bound by shared memories, late-night study sessions, and unforgettable moments on Ivy St. Whatever height you reach, there will be someone who will say, “I went to Chico too,” and that’s something you should cherish your entire life. Because being a Wildcat isn’t just about the classes you attended or the degrees you earned; it’s about the spirit of our community and the camaraderie that defines Chico. So, whether you find yourself reminiscing about downtown adventures or cheering on the Wildcats from afar, know that you’re part of something special—a legacy that transcends time and distance.

Haston Paul

Cal State Chico '24

Haston is currently a 25-year old student at Chico State. He grew up in Los Angeles. Haston loves the color navy blue, In n Out, and the ocean. He has a passion for romance and poetry, the moon, and meeting new people. He enjoys stargazing and practices fortune telling! He spends most days in solitude, listening to music and writing about his daydreams. Haston's Horoscope Chart: Sun Sign (Zodiac Sign): Sagittarius - 7th House (28° 8') Ascendant / Rising Sign: Gemini (19° 22') Moon Sign: Virgo - 4th House (7° 32') Mercury Sign: Sagittarius - 7th House (21° 51') Venus Sign: Aquarius - 8th House (3° 1') Mars Sign: Aquarius - 8th House (1° 21') Outer Planets: Jupiter Sign: Aquarius - 9th House (19° 51') Saturn Sign: Aries - 11th House (13° 32') Uranus Sign: Aquarius - 9th House (6° 30') Neptune Sign: Capricorn - 8th House (28° 32') Pluto Sign: Sagittarius - 6th House (6° 21')