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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Cal State Chico chapter.

Finals are just around the corner and if you’re like me the anticipation leading up to finals can be stressful and dreaded. Not only do we have finals coming up, but the holidays are in full swing and you may also be dealing with the stress of balancing school with work, extra curricular activities, family and friends. Often, when things get stressful, we can tend to procrastinate our work. Studying can be a tedious task, but with the right approach, you can manage your time effectively and boost your chances of success. Here are a few tips and tricks we can use to help ease our stress and efficiently study for our upcoming finals.

Distractions… Eliminate all distractions.

When you study it’s important to be focused. That’s why you need to find a quiet place to study away from distractions. A common distraction is our phones. As a technology generation we are always using our phones and other sources of technology. We are easily distracted by our phones, the notifications that pop up, even just seeing it sitting in front of us on the table. Some methods to prevent you from going on your phone are simply leaving it out of your sight, you could leave it in your bag or in a separate room. You can shut down your phone and there are also apps you can download that lock your phone or certain apps when you allow it to.

Another method I’ve seen people do may seem a little silly but has proven to be effective for some is setting up your phone and filming a timelapse of you studying. This helps prevent you from going onto your phone and getting distracted and you have a fun little video to watch back later. Who knows, maybe you’ll decide to post it as a “Study With Me” and go TikTok viral.

Anyways, it’s important to study in a place with as little distractions as possible. Studying in your bed would not be efficient because we associate our beds with relaxing and sleep and it’s often harder to focus in that environment. It is also important to switch up your scenery. So if you’re often in your room, maybe try studying in a different room in your home or the library or even maybe the park. It’s good to have different spots so your brain doesn’t immediately associate where you are with studying and dreaded tasks. Distractions are all over but it’s important to avoid as many as possible.

Lists! Lists are a great way to organize the tasks you need to get done and it’s always a nice reward to check a completed task off the list.

Write down all the assignments you need to get done and/or finals you need to study for and as you finish them check them off your list. Zen philosophy teaches that we should embrace forms as a means to transcend them and attain freedom. Lists are one such form. By using them, you’ll gain greater clarity and ease in daily life, enriching every aspect of your existence. To-do lists alleviate stress, enhance focus, and boost efficiency. 

Just like lists, it is also helpful to create a schedule, a study schedule. First, prioritize subjects, identify which subjects need the most attention and focus on your weaker areas without neglecting your stronger subjects. Second, break down your study time, write down a schedule to follow and allocate time for each subject and include breaks into the schedule to avoid burnout. Lastly, consistency is key, stick to your schedule. Commit to your study times and avoid cramming.

A very important thing to keep in mind when trying to stick to your study schedule is remembering it is okay to say no to plans. I know missing out can suck but in the long term failing your exam will suck a lot more… Trust me, there will always be other chances to go out and hangout with friends. Stay organized and you’ll get things done in a more efficient manner. 

Active learning techniques.

Here are a few techniques that can be helpful and make your studying more efficient.

Practice problems: Practice Problems are a great way to effectively study for subjects such as math and science. Look up example equations and questions and try to solve them.

Another technique is to teach the material to someone else. Explain your learnings to a friend and have them ask questions to help reinforce your understanding.

Make flashcards: For topics that include an immense amount of memorization flashcards are a great way to test yourself on key terms, dates, and/or concepts. Lastly, repetition helps strengthen memory retention. Instead of just reading your notes, repeat sections to yourself and then try to recall them without looking at your notes. 

Overall finals week can be a stressful time but it’s important to remember to take care of your body and mind. Hopefully these tips can bring you some ease when it comes to studying for your finals. I’m positive you can do this and YOU WILL pass ALL of your exams! Go into your exams confident with these tips and tricks and celebrate after on your winter break. Good Luck!

Sydney Farina

Cal State Chico '28

Hi! My name is Sydney Farina. I am from Southern California and I am currently a freshman at Chico State. I am a Communications major with a minor in Journalism. Along with writing for hercampus I am also a dance teacher. I am a natural leader and always looking for a new way to apply myself. I enjoy writing about various topics and hope to one day make that my career. Being from SoCal I love the water. I enjoy going to the beach and lake days with family. I come from a small town in Ventura County called Newbury Park. I lived there my whole life before moving to Chico. I have been a dancer since the age of three and I am continuing my dancing journey being apart of the Chico State dance team, Exprssions. I am also a dance teacher at a local dance studio. Dance has helped shape me into who I am today a great amount. I am excited to now be a writer for hercampus and hope you enjoy my articles. I hope to help girls feel supported when making hard decisions and have something relatable to read. As well as writing about topics that are fun and spark you interest. Enjoy!