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Trump Just Won The Election: Here’s What That Means

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Cal State Chico chapter.

So, Trump just won the election. Whether you’re happy or sad about this, it’s time to face the facts on what that means, specifically for me.

It means that I, a woman, will lose access to my body. I live in California, which is a majorly blue state so my rights for my body will relatively stay the same. However, for those in more red states such as Oklahoma or Florida, this isn’t going to be the case. They’re bodies will no longer be their bodies, they will essentially belong to the government. Tracking of pregnancies, no longer having legal access to abortions no matter the circumstance, and the attempt to ban no-fault divorce for women only means women now belong to the government. They can’t be their own people, they aren’t going to have rights to their own bodies, they are essentially going to “belong to men”. Donald Trump wants women to act like they did in the 1800’s, where they had no power. Don’t believe me? Read about it here:



It means that I, a part of the Hispanic community with an immigrant family, have to fear now that every day, I may not see my family again. Or, that I might have to pack up everything I know here in America to follow my family back to the Netherlands. All my family are legal immigrants, but that doesn’t seem to matter to Trump. If you are a descendant of an immigrant and think you’re safe because you were born in this country, guess what! You’re wrong. Trump wants to send children of immigrants back to their home country no matter their status, putting so many at risk of losing so much. Don’t believe me?? Read about it here:


It means that I, a future educator, will now have to include “Trump’s Rhetoric” in my future classroom. I wish to teach 2nd grade, why should something like that be included? Should all their innocent brains just be worried about what snack their parent packed for recess that day? Or how they did on the spelling test last week? But no, he wants my students to learn about him and how important he is. Sure, he’s the president or whatever, but they’re 8 year old’s. Why does it matter to them?

Not only that, he wants to abolish the Department of Education. While this is a near impossible task, if he somehow manages, it means that I would be getting paid even less then I already would as a teacher. Teachers are already criminally underpaid, but if he manages to abolish the DOE, teachers could be paid just minimum wage for all their hard work. There will be no more teacher unions, Title IX will be removed, and so much more. Still don’t believe me?? Guess what, you can read about it here:


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It means that I, an individual with mental health issues, will potentially have to pay more for any type of medicine I may need. I am very fortunate that I do not currently take medicine of that type of nature, but many across the country do. Trump plans to up the cost of Medicare and other healthcare brands, which would not only make getting healthcare harder for many but almost impossible for most. STILL DON’T BELIEVE ME? Read!:


These are only a few of the marginalized groups that Trump is attacking. As I mentioned, I am very lucky to live within a blue state where I know for the most part, I will be OK. But this isn’t a guarantee for everyone everywhere else. It is a scary time for many people throughout our country, especially with the unknown of our future. If this is how you or anyone you may know might be feeling, please reach out to someone you trust or seek some professional help. It will be okay, everything will be ok. People are here for you and there is hope out there.

Zoey Dennis

Cal State Chico '25

Zoey is a Senior here at Chico State! She is a Liberal Studies major who would love to teach high school history. She has always loved writing and teaching, and Her Campus is such a great outlet! In her free time, she loves to go out with her friends, spend time with family, listen to music, and enjoys exploring Chico.