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What Being A ‘Girl’s Girl’ Means To Me

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Cal State Chico chapter.

From The Eras Tour to the Barbie movie, this summer was for the girls. We felt bonded, free, and happy and the term “girl’s girl” has gained traction. To me, being a girl’s girl looks like supporting and cherishing the concept of “girlhood.” With this term gaining major popularity on TikTok, here’s my takeaway on what being a girl’s girl really means.

Uplifting The Women Around You

A girl’s girl is someone who will go out of their way to cheer on and uplift the women around them. Whether it’s complimenting a girl’s shoes on your way to class or hyping up her Instagram post, a little goes a long way! Further than that, try to compliment her on something other than her appearance, being mindful that we as women are so much more than what’s on the outside. Notice her smarts, her personality, her sense of humor, etc. A compliment goes can completely change the course of someone’s day!

Absorbing Different Types of Female-Driven Media

With so many different and amazing female-identifying artists out there, you can easily expand your range. You could listen to famous musicians, like Taylor Swift (a major girl’s girl!), Olivia Rodrigo, Selena Gomez, anyone really! You could watch some women-oriented films and shows, such as Abbott Elementary or Lady Bird. There are so many great options, and supporting women in the arts is so important!

Support Female-Owned Organizations

There are so many female owned organizations out there that are amazing! From makeup products to restaurants, there are great ways to support female-run deals. There are places here in Chico as well! There’s the yummy Pizza Riot or fun exercise classes at Cycle33. There are also great clubs here on campus run by women, for women. You could join CHAARG or Association for Women in Business, and many more. With so many clubs on campus, there is definitely something for you. You could even look into joining us here at Her Campus for the upcoming spring semester!

Cherish Your Female Relationships:

Whether it’s your mom, your sister, your best friend, or someone else, ensure that you are making time for those important women in your life. Set some time aside to hang out with them, as fostering good female relationships is extremely important. Something as easy as going out to eat, going on a coffee date, or even just a phone call or chilling in your room are fantastic ways to build and strengthen those important relationships in your life.

Understand And Honor That Every Woman Is Different

Every woman is unique and has something that makes them different, and that’s beautiful! While someone may be different than you, whether it’s in style, interests, or personality, understand that’s what makes them them. Being different is what makes being a girl so amazing, and we should always embrace that.

Be Yourself

Much like the last tip, be different! Be what makes you special, be your authentic self. You are perfect just the way you are, so never be afraid to be your own hype woman.

Being a girl’s girl is something so important in a male-driven world. We should always lift each other up and embrace what makes each other different. At the end of the day, we are all just girls going through life for the very first time, and that’s what makes girlhood so special.

Zoey Dennis

Cal State Chico '25

Zoey is a Senior here at Chico State! She is a Liberal Studies major who would love to teach high school history. She has always loved writing and teaching, and Her Campus is such a great outlet! In her free time, she loves to go out with her friends, spend time with family, listen to music, and enjoys exploring Chico.