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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Cal State Chico chapter.

One of my favorite things to do after a long day is crawling into a comfy bed or lounge on the couch with my best friend. There is something so safe and secure about a strong female friendship. A real, true, female friendship. Those girls that you know will be there for you, whether you need a froyo run or if you’re going through a really bad breakup. If you want to borrow a new top, or if you need someone to cry with – those kinds of ride-or-die friendships. My best guess is, as you’re reading this, someone comes to mind. A friend that has seen you at your very worst, and been there for you at your proudest moment. 

I remember loving playdates as an elementary school kid, running home to tell my mom about the new friends I made, and begging her to find their mom on Facebook so I could hang out with them. As I got older, friendships definitely got harder. If you’re a girl, you know how hard high school can be. That’s a story for another time. But, no matter how hard life got, I always had a friend to get me through it. Throughout my life, I’ve had so many friends and people who have come into my life. Whether or not they stayed is irrelevant, but each person has taught me so much. Lots of people come into your life to teach you something, and I have learned a lot. Life would be so boring and dull without sparkling friendships and loving relationships. As I think about my future and the changes ahead, I also reflect on the past. When I think about all of the things I have learned from my own best friends throughout my life, I only think of good memories, fun times, and invaluable wisdom.

1. How to try new things 

Something that has always been difficult for me is coming out of my shell. I like the things I like, and I tend to stay within my own little bubbles. I grew up very shy and introverted, and I always found myself clinging to my friends. Whether that be in social situations, with food, hobbies, school… I like what I like. However, having friends from different cultures and families was a great way for me to leave that little sheltered space. Beyond that, my friends have kindly forced me to go out. I am forever grateful that I’ve had friends that push me past my limits. They force me to explore and talk to people. They made me feel like I could be myself around not only them, but others as well. I’m definitely a more outgoing person now that I’ve had these experiences, thanks to my friends!

2. How to be kind to everyone, but not trust everyone 

This is a huge lesson. I think that many people learn this the hard way. Obviously, kindness is something that needs to be given and received in most (if not all) situations. Being kind to someone and being a genuinely good person isn’t a hard thing to do, and many people think that kindness and trust are intertwined. But just because someone is kind to you, does not mean that they are to be trusted. People can betray your trust so quickly. I think that’s why it’s important to truly get to know someone before you trust them with something large. This one Shakespeare quote sums it up perfectly; “Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.” Having seen my friends have their trust broken by people they thought were their “friends” gave me this piece of advice. It sucks, but we help each other through it. 

3. How to laugh 

This might seem obvious, but life isn’t always as serious as it seems. This is something that I experienced and learned from my friends. Having friends who will laugh with you and make you giggle when you’re going through a stressful time is so important. Sometimes you need someone to bring you back down to Earth, especially when you’re going a little crazy. One of my friends and I would send each other a screenshot of Mac Miller’s “Come Back to Earth” song whenever one of us needed to be humbled. Everyone needs a friend that isn’t afraid to put you in check, and then laugh with you about it after.

4. How to stand up for myself and others

For some reason, it’s so much easier to stand up for your best friend than it is for yourself. At least it’s that way for me. I would do anything for my friends. I’ve learned that it’s important to think that way about yourself as well. I’ve been in situations where I’ve had to stick up for my best friend, give her endless support, and have her back. And she’s had times where she had to do that for me. It’s an endless cycle of support, and it’s important to have. 

Friends are amazing to have, and hard to keep. People tend to forget that you have to maintain your relationships and water them like plants or they won’t grow. Text your friends. Tell them you love them. Give them a hug. You and your besties have taught each other a lot. Make sure they know that you care!

McKenzie Kirsch

Cal State Chico '25

McKenzie (Kenzie) Kirsch is the current Editor-in-Chief for the Her Campus Chico Chapter. Kenzie is a fourth-year at Chico State, studying English Education in hopes of being an English teacher. Kenzie has also picked up a minor in Child Development, and has made the Dean's List for five out of six semesters at Chico State. She likes having fun, but is also very serious about her studies as well. She is originally from a small town in Northern California called Wheatland, about 30 minutes north of Sacramento, CA. She loves the community of Chico and is very happy to be spending her college years here. Kenzie is also an active member of the Alpha Gamma Delta sorority, and has made lifelong memories there. Outside of school, she likes to bake, read and write, workout and hike! Chico is the perfect place to explore and meet new people. She is so excited to be a member of Her Campus and continue her writing journey!