The start of the new school year can be intimidating. It is easy to get stressed out wondering what classes will be like, or feel nervous as syllabuses are passed out the first day of class. It is important to feel good in order to succeed! Here are a few things that will help you kick off the school year on a high note.
1)Â Â Â Â Get enough sleep
Most people need 7-9 hours of sleep a night. During summer vacation it is fine to stay up late going out or watching television and there is no problem with sleeping in the next day. Once school starts that all changes. It is important to get a good amount of sleep to feel ready to conquer anything that school requires. To get better sleep, start training yourself to go to sleep at a reasonable hour and stick to it. Once that time is approaching leave all distractions aside, turn off the television and put your phone in your nightstand. When school starts your body will feel well rested and ready to succeed.
2)Â Â Â Â Develop methods that will help you stay organized
Being organized will help you stay on top of your tasks. There is nothing more frustrating than missing an assignment or not finding an important paper. A solution could be to purchase inexpensive school supplies. Some good investments are folders, colored pens and highlighters, and an agenda. It also helps to buy a folder for each class. This helps you easily locate notes, assignments and handouts. It is also important to organize your documents on your computer. Create a new folder for the quarter and within that folder create sub-folders for each class that you are taking.
3)Â Â Â Â Have all the essentials that you need for school
Make you sure you have all school essentials ready for the first day of school. To avoid long lines, purchase your parking pass before the quarter starts.  Parking passes can also be purchased online by visiting the website, Also, go to the bookstore website, to check what books you need for your classes. Once you know what books you need, try to order your books before hand so you are ready to go when school starts. We know how stressful it is to have an assignment due and still be waiting for you books to arrive.  Aside from Amazon, other good websites for textbooks are and
4)Â Â Â Â Find self esteem boosters
Having high self esteem will make you feel good about yourself and about your education. A new outfit can make you feel ready to dominate the quarter. Try to think of an outfit a few days before or a day before school starts. This will prevent you from stressing out the first day off class.  You can also pick up an accessory such as a new pair of earrings, a necklace or even nail polish if you don’t want to spend money on a new outfit. Many stores have back to school sales or summer clearance sales.
5)Â Â Â Â End summer vacation with a bang
Summer could be considered the best time of the year. Hang out with family and friends as much as possible before your schedule gets busy again. Go to a theme park, go on a small vacation or try lunch at a new restaurant. Do something you normally won’t be able to do because of school. Doing this will make you feel like you appreciated your summer and will make you feel ready for fall.