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Joshua Nolasco: University Student Union Board of Director

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Cal State LA chapter.

Name: Joshua Nolasco

Age: 21

Major: Accounting

Year: 4th

Hometown: Wasco, CA

Relationship Status: Single

Describe yourself in 3 words:

Funny, smart, confident.

Who is your role model?

I don’t really have one.

Are you involved on campus?

Yes, SAE [Sigma Alpha Epsilon] and USU [University Student Union].

Why did you join your Fraternity?

Friends, predominantly. I didn’t know anybody else out here from Bakersfield.

I hear you will be running for Chair of the U-SU Board of Directors, what do you expect to accomplish with that position?

To help out honestly. To be like the role model for everyone else, and do what needs to get done with the board. I want to facilitate things to make things easier.

What are a few things you’re hoping to do within the U-SU Board of Directors?

Sleeping pods would be cool. I’d like to team up with Trinidad to do something about the environment like green walls, something like that and find other ways to make revenue.

Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

In the big city with my CPA license. I mean I can’t get any more specific than that because where I want to be is where things take me. I let life take me where ever it goes. I don’t like to make plans because they don’t always end up where they should go, or end up as planned and it makes me frustrated.


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Candy Noriega

Cal State LA

Candy Noriega is a 4th year at Cal State LA majoring in Criminal Justice and Sociology with a minor in Psychology. She is a student member for the U-SU Board of Directors and an Associate Justice for the Associate Students, Incorporated. She spends most of her time on campus studying and volunteering,you are sure to see her at campus events! When not on campus, she spends time at home with her little lovable son, rereading her favorite novels, reading or writing poetry, and watching her favorite crime shows, Bones and Criminal Minds. She loves to try new foods and you'll always be able to find her around it, too! She enjoys all types of music from Heavy Metal to EDM to Classical. See what she's up to on Instagram @sugardoll013
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Kammile Whitener

Cal State LA '18

Film and Business Enthusiast. Love the best of both worlds.