Last Squad Standing
The Last Squad standing is a competition show on the Oxygen that consists of three squads competing for a grand prize of $100,000. Each squad contains five people who are close friends. Every squad comes from a different area which brings diversity to the cast and stirs up the pot. Every week squads compete in challenges for safety, and the first and second place teams will move on to see another week. The losing squad must vote one of their own to go up on the chopping block. The nominated member on the losing team completes a “pick back” to accompany them on the chopping block. The rest of the house ultimately makes the decision of who stays and who goes. Not only do you have to be liked within your squad, you must also be liked by the rest of the house to get further in the game. This show may interest you if you are into a competition type series.
Bad Girls Club
The Bad Girls Club is one of Oxygen’s longest running tv shows. This show puts at least seven “bad” girls into one house to see how they interact with each other. With multiple strong headed women in one house, obviously there will be chaos. Although the show may seem pointless to many, it helps these women become more humble them, learn more about themselves and learn from their mistakes. Many cast members explain that after watching themselves on national television, they want to change. There have been many twists on the Bad Girls Club: Bad Girls Club All Star Battle, (two seasons) Love Games, (4 seasons) and one All Star cast season called Redemption where returning bad girls had the chance to do things the way they wish they had. The show has offered the women therapy opportunities to address their issues, and has given the women opportunities to expand their individual brands outside of the Bad Girls Club. You may have heard of the Bad Girl Tanisha Thomas who was best known as the women banging pots and pans screaming “I didn’t get no sleep cause of y’all. Y’all ain’t get not sleep cause of me.” Bad Girls club has had 17 consecutive seasons over the past decade. If you love drama between a diverse group of women and watching people grow, this show is for you.
Big Brother
Big Brother is another competition reality show where housemates compete for first and second place prizes. The first place prize is usually around $500,000 and the second place prize is around $50,000. The housemates are trapped away from the outside world with nothing on their minds but the completion for 3+ months. There are live feeds also available where super fans can constantly watch the housemates every move and there are live chats to participate in to talk about each housemate’s good and bad game decisions. Big Brother is also a television show in many other countries including the UK and Canada. There is always something going on in the Big Brother house which is why it is so addicting and loved by so many.