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Campus Resources for Survivors

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Cal U chapter.

Seeking support as a survivor of sexual assault can sometimes be difficult, especially because it means you have to talk about what happened. However, having a system of support behind you that is trained to help in that specific way makes it easier to heal more quickly. If you are a survivor of sexual assault and you want to seek out support, but you don’t know where to start here are a list of resources on campus for you. Or, if you have a friend in need of help these are great places to utilize right here on campus. If nothing else, they can send you in the right direction and make it easier to navigate different offices or procedures. 

The Women’s Center / End Violence Center

This center, located in Natali, will specfically be able to help one to navigate through legal matters, counseling, support, as well as any other form of help you may need during this time. They will be able to help you nagivate through any other office or department in your quest for support and they provide completely confidential services. Their team is trained to handle sexual assault, stalking, and domestic violence. Their staff is incredibly helpful and this is a place that I would absolutely recommend contacting first and foremost when seeking support as a survivor. They can be reached at 724-938-5707 or for their 24/7 emergency or on-call number call 724-938-HELP (724-938-4357).

Student Sexual Assault Response Team

The university has a response team in place (SSART) that are in place to provide additional support for survivors as they work through this difficult time, specifically as it relates to their life on campus. SSART can be reached at 724-938-5707.

Public Safety

Cal U has policies in place to handle reports of sexual assault. If you are comfortable doing so, report to campus public safety. The university’s sexual assault policies and procedures webpage says that “The University will accommodate a victim’s request for academic schedule and housing changes whenever possible. If the victim reports the assault to the University Police Department and is willing to prosecute applicable criminal charges, the department will file and prosecute the charges.” Campus public safety can be contacted at 724-938-4299.

Counseling Center

The unviersity has an incredible counseling center that can be utilized at any point in time. They have 3 full time counseling staff members and a handful of graduate student’s who see patients as well. The counseling center is located on the ground floor of Carter Hall. They provide emotional support and can also connect you with other resources outside of the counseling center if need be such as other mental health professionals in your home area or other professionals that can provide you care that they may not be able to. It’s a “free” service (that you really pay for as a part of your bill to attend Cal U) so utilize it as much as you can if you need to. You can scheudle an appointment in the counseling/health center or you can call 724-938-4056.

Other resources

Cal U has put together a 66 page online help book that provides resources for very specific topics that may be useful to students at the university. The help book can be found here. 

Remember, you are not alone. There are services in place to help you. There are people who are trained and care very deeply about your safety and wellbeing. It’s okay to ask for the help that you need, you do not have to go through this on your own. 

I am a undergraduate student, seeking a B.A. in English, concentrating in Journalism and Creativing Writing. I am the Campus Correspondent for Her Campus at California University of Pennsylvania (Cal U). I am the Social Media Officer for Alpha Lambda Delta. Additionally, I manage the social media for Cal U's Women's Studies Program where I am a work study student. I am a staff writer for the Cal Times and I also write frequently for Her Campus at Cal U. In the past, I have worked as a Social Media Consultant Intern with Someone To Tell It To, a non-profit organization based in Harrisburg, PA.