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10 Things to Avoid in Facebook Pictures

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Carleton chapter.

10. Peace Signs

The ‘peace sign’ pose, while tame in its nature, has become a mainstream photo pose that needs to go. Despite its popularity, this sign not only has become a symbol of blind conformity but its origins come from a rude British hand gesture (which is the same, but with the back of your hand facing whomever you plan on insulting).

9. Fishing for Compliments

Posting pictures of yourself with the caption “LOL I look so fat!” or “Don’t mind my hair, I look so ugly in this pic” does not automatically act as a get-out-of-jail-free card. If it’s a bad photo, don’t post it. Here’s the funny part – your photo probably isn’t bad. You’re fishing for compliments. Your skin is flawless, you obviously did your hair like that on purpose, and you’re wearing makeup. You think you look great. You just want us to tell you that, which we won’t.

8. Posing with Alcohol

The title says it all. Think about the consequences of your actions before you post that drunken picture of you and your pals with a bottle of tequila. If you are underage, or you plan on ever getting a respectable job, you should probably just hit ‘delete.’

7. Selfies

Just no.


6. Bed Pictures

Posing in ‘bed pictures’ immediately puts you in a position where you can be judged as something you probably aren’t, so bear that in mind before you cozy up with your pillow and say cheese. On top of which, diagonal angles aren’t the most flattering.

5. Dirty Mirror Photos

Showing off your lack of cleanliness isn’t the world’s most appealing thing. Anybody who judges a book by more than its cover can tell you that your level of attractiveness is not determined by the outfit you wear, your age, your weight or anything physical. Your personality is a huge part of what attracts people to you (friends and cuties!), and taking pride in your living space and in the photographs you publish of yourself is a huge part of that. The girl staring back through the mirror might look hot, but if there are stains all over your mirror that can trace back the last three months of dirt in your room, you may need to get some Windex instead of posing for pictures.

4. Kissing

PDA is uncomfortable enough when you’re with people, but having a photo posted and public forever is fairly permanent. Anybody could get their hands on that – is that okay with you? Friends, grandparents, current and future employers…will it be okay in 10 years? Would you be okay with your kids one day stumbling upon it? These are some questions to ask yourself before you share your love with all of Facebook.

3. I’m-So-Rock-and-Roll

Okay – if you’re at a concert and you pull this pose, it’s appropriate. Into a webcam while you’re wearing your Hello Kitty PJs? Probably not.


2. F@#K  T#3  H8TR$

Flipping the bird in photos is both offensive and unnecessary.

1. The Bend And Cleavage

Have some class and cover that up, ladies! Women, don’t objectify yourselves; we have enough people who try to do that for us.  Remember that you don’t want to be treated like a piece of meat, so try not to display yourself as one.

And last, but certainly not least:

The Duck Face

Sidenote: Thank you to Victor Sevilla for being an amazing model. Ladies, he’s single ;)

Jasmine Williams is a fourth-year Journalism major, pursuing a minor in Film Studies at Carleton University. An internship at a recently launched online magazine prepared her for her new, exciting role as Campus Correspondent for Carleton University. She is never too far away from her iPhone and in her spare time, you can find her scrolling through various tumblr blogs while listening to Kings of Leon. After university, she hopes to pursue a career in online journalism.