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Alessandra Bottero ’15

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Carleton chapter.


Name: Alessandra Bottero

Year and Program: 3rd year Film major and Communications minor

Relationship Status: Single

Why did you choose your major?

When it was time to apply to universities, I was unsure of what career I wanted to pursue. So I went with what I know I enjoy, and what was broad enough to use in my future endeavour in discovering my passions and career opportunities.

What are some of your favourite films?

As a film major, you’d think I would pick films that were revolutionary to the film industry. Nope, I’m a sucker for romantic comedies or anything with Seth Rogan and Jonah Hill. P.S. I Love You, Super Bad, and of course, One Direction: This is Us.

Describe your ultimate vacation.

One year of exploring just about every square inch of England, featuring countless full English breakfasts, pints, castles and tea.

What’s one quirk about you?

I can’t be late for anything, it gives me anxiety. I would rather be 30 minutes early than even a minute late.

Favourite Starbucks drink?

In the fall/winter, a cinnamon dolce latte, and in the spring/summer, a caramel frap.

You are shipwrecked on a deserted island, what are your three must haves?

Harry Styles, food and Ed Sheeran.

Best-worst pickup line ever?

I was wearing a necklace with a key on it and some random guy asked me if it was the key to my heart. I have yet to wear that necklace since.

If you could only listen to one song for the rest of your life, what would it be?

This is the most difficult question I’ve ever had to answer in my life thus far. I know it would have to be a song by Ed Sheeran so I’d pick You Need Me, I Don’t Need You.

Guilty pleasures?

GTA 5, Nutella, and makeup.

What is your life motto?

Pour yourself a drink, put on some lipstick and pull yourself together.” – Elizabeth Taylor

Samantha Lapierre is a 4th year Communications student at Carleton University! She considers herself the sixth member of the Spice Girls and has an unhealthy love for One Direction, cheese platters and daytime talkshows. One day she hopes to be a television doctor, but for now she is happy to be a contributor for HerCampus Carleton!Tweet her at @samanthamarg