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Carleton’s Five Best Kept Secrets

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Carleton chapter.


1. Movie Rentals via the Library 

Not only is the MacOdrum Library a great place to study and find sources, but it’s also your very own Blockbuster! Grab some friends, some popcorn, and check out the various DVDs that the library has stocked up on.

2. Cheap food in Mackenzie Building (Leo’s Lounge)

Leo’s, a small store located at 3342 Mackenzie Building, is owned and operated by the Carleton Student Engineering Society. If you’re there around lunch time, you can find things such as samosas, rice curry, quesadillas, and burritos for under five dollars. You can also stock up on energy drinks for less than three dollars a pop and get an assortment of snacks for under two dollars. 

3. Baker’s

This hidden gem exists quietly on the fourth floor of the Uni Centre, by the CUSA office. Though many students have seen it before, most have never ventured in. Baker’s disguises itself as a expensive restaurant meant for faculty and visiting guests, but one would be surprised to note that you can get yourself a hearty, high quality lunch for under $15. Not bad for a campus restaurant. 

4. The Conference and Discretionary Board

Are you an involved student who’s always looking longingly at conferences you can’t afford to attend? Pout no more! The conference and discretionary board, accessed through CUSA, will sponsor students who cannot afford the full costs of a conference, as well as the necessary travel and accommodation expenses, for 50% of the full costs, up to $1,000. Make sure to submit the form at least three weeks before your conference, and bada-bing bada-boom – that conference is now within your price range!

5. Carleton’s own beer!

Mike’s Place is home to the Debt Rage Lager, a beer proudly created by one of our proud Alumni. At $5.50 a glass, it’s an economically sound way to show your school spirit, provided you’re 19 years of age or older.


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Jasmine Williams is a fourth-year Journalism major, pursuing a minor in Film Studies at Carleton University. An internship at a recently launched online magazine prepared her for her new, exciting role as Campus Correspondent for Carleton University. She is never too far away from her iPhone and in her spare time, you can find her scrolling through various tumblr blogs while listening to Kings of Leon. After university, she hopes to pursue a career in online journalism.