Ever had a girl’s night out that went exactly according to plan? I haven’t—yet somehow I think I’m not alone on this one. You would think we would learn the basics of a good night out after a while in the game, but we are still human and sometimes make (inebriated) mistakes.
Here at Her Campus Carleton, one of our top priorities is to enlighten you ladies on how to balance your social lives while pursuing a successful academic career. And what collegiette doesn’t need a girl’s night out around this time of year? You know, for balance.
I’ve compiled a guide that is everything a girl should know before hitting the night out with her girlfriends to guarantee an amazing time for everyone. This guide is inspired by my personal failed attempts to have one, so you ladies don’t have to go through them yourselves!
Forget the plastics. You never know if you’ll need to pitch in for a cab and splitting a big bill after a few drinks and is even more of a headache when someone whips out a debit card. This not only wastes time, but most likely someone will end up paying a lot more and will spark the ‘who owes who’ debate that eventually gets forgotten about, leaving someone with empty pockets. Coat check is great in winter, but they only take cash. So please bring enough or you’ll find yourself at an ATM that takes advantage of you. Once I took out a $20 bill and my online bank statement said $24.50 was taken out. Not cool!
I don’t care if you look twenty-five-years-old, it’s the bouncer’s job to ID, and if you have a driver’s license from when you were sixteen with braces, they will ask for a second. Proving your innocence by angrily rehearsing your address and your pet’s name to the bouncer doesn’t help either. (I even told him my family tree! Somehow I thought this would help in my state.) This ends your night before it even begins, and you and your girls will probably find yourself having a girl’s night out at McDonald’s.
Make sure you all plan a time and place to leave so that if you do get split up during the night you all can meet up before heading home. Time flies when you’re on the dance floor, so make sure you keep checking the time! Never leave a woman behind EVER. No intoxicated excuse is good enough for leaving your girl to fend for herself downtown.
For the love of god, I do not care how amazing those six-inch heels looked on the shelf—you know if you wear them for half a night you’ll be crawling on all fours and cursing the heavens for not blessing you with height. If you don’t have really tall friends to piggyback ride you all the way home like myself, you’re basically going home barefoot—in the snow, and earlier than intended, which makes for an (understandably) angry group of girls.
This one seems obvious, right? Apparently not. I did indeed get my babysitter’s certificate in grade six, but this doesn’t mean I like to use it for free when someone can’t handle their alcohol at this age. I’ll do it no question, but it abruptly ends the night, and ruins it for you and your friends. I don’t care if ‘you have the tolerance of a baby elephant’; do not test this theory on a girl’s night out because nobody has time for that. I know it happens, but please try to hold your alcohol and stick to one type, and most importantly EAT DINNER beforehand to absorb the impact if you plan on drinking copious amounts of liquor. These mistakes are easily made but also easily avoided.
Now go have fun with your besties, drinks and lots of laughter included, minus the pitfalls. Write down these key points and stick them on your fridge or even on your vodka bottle as a reminder on how to have a successful girl’s night out, because you all deserve it. CHEERS!
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