Have you ever wanted to be published by an online organization, but you’ve just never had the time or opportunity to join one? Well Her Campus Carthage is here to help. If you’re a Carthage student (current or otherwise) or a part of the faculty or staff, and want to have a piece of yours published, here’s what we can do for you:
From personal essays about life to fashion articles to movie/music reviews to poetry pieces to news columns, we’ve got you covered. All you have to do is write whatever it is you feel like saying and send it as a PDF file to carthage@hercampus.com. You can include pictures or gifs to add to the work as well! Just attach them as JPEGs or include the link to the webpage from which you pulled the image.
In your email, make sure to include a quick blurb telling us who you are and why you chose to write what you did (you can also request to have the article published anonymously). Then we’ll take it from there!
If your piece is chosen for publication, we’ll send you a confirmation telling you the exact date and time of its launch. We might make a few editorial adjustments here and there, but we promise not to change anything else.
This is a great opportunity to have your voice heard without having to commit any time to the organization. No meetings. No deadlines. No fuss. It also gives us the opportunity to include stories that we’d otherwise not get the chance to hear.
If you have any questions, our Campus Correspondents are here to help. Karina Lee and I (Jane) will be more than happy to answer any and all inquiries you might have – just send us an email at (you guessed it) carthage@hercampus.com.
We can’t wait to hear from you…so get writing!