Being single for a long time can feel like you’ve somehow failed at relationships. Seeing happy couples everywhere you go can make you feel personally attacked, as if you suddenly feel defensive for a lifestyle that’s either your choice or not. Spiraling into the void of “why am I still single” and “what’s wrong with me” is something you shouldn’t have to go through. Here are some things that you can do to avoid these negative feelings!
1. Have a girl’s night
There’s nothing better than getting together with your girl squad, whether it be at a party or in your dorm room or apartment in your jammies. Order some pizza, turn on some music and remember that relationships mean more than just significant others! It’s important to feel the love with your friend group as well.
2. Enjoy a solo Netflix date
When was the last time you had a night where you stayed in, turned off your phone and watched a really good Netflix show? If it’s been awhile, here’s your chance! The perfect night could be spent with yourself. Order your favorite food, turn on your favorite show or movie, put away your phone, and enjoy!
3. Treat yourself to a spa night
Want to add to that fabulous Netflix night? Two words: Face. Mask. Nothing makes me happier than treating myself by throwing in a bath bomb, relaxing in the warm water with music or Netflix playing in the background, and throwing on a face mask. Amanda Barthel, a sophomore at Carthage, says, “My favorite face masks are clay masks. They make my face feel so soft after.” Your perfect spa night can consist of different things as well, such as exfoliating or painting your nails. Amanda tells Her Campus that her favorite clay masks are the “Yes To” brand from Target. Enjoy!
Whatever makes you feel great about yourself will make the night successful!
Do something that makes you happy. Being single doesn’t mean you have to feel miserable and alone, you can still have fun and enjoy yourself!
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