False eyelashes can be intimidating, especially if you’ve never used them before. For some, it’s the glue and for others, it may just be the proximity of something near the eye, but even people who have experience putting on lashes still get falsie anxiety. There are lots of tips around on how to beat this though.
First of all, the glue. Refinery29 called in makeup educator, James Vincent, to show one of their employees that there was nothing to be scared about. He and other sources like Total Beauty both seem to be fans of Duo Eyelash Adhesive as a glue that’s easy to use, dries clear, and can be removed easily. It’s important to take a moment to let the glue get a bit tacky after putting some on the lash band, making it easier to apply. James introduces another interesting method by applying glue on the lash line itself in addition to the strip, then sticking glue on glue.
Another way to make eyelashes less intimidating is to trim them. You can do this by setting the strip in your lash line, making sure it’s not too close to the inner corner and about two to four lashes away from the outer corner. Trim both right away so that you know they’re the same length. This article goes over this more clearly and maps out what kind of lashes each eye shape should use.
Another way to make applying falsies easier is to get your eye makeup done first. Though you may have to do a little touch-up after applying, having your eye makeup done ahead of time avoids getting your lashes messy with shadows and liner; plus, it’s harder to apply with extra lashes in the way. Upper liner can truly be your best friend, especially as a beginner, with falsies as well, filling in any areas that may otherwise give away that your lashes aren’t real. You’ll also want to curl your real lashes before applying falsies, as strip lashes have a curl already. Mascara should be applied afterward to help blend the real and fake lashes to make the whole look more natural.
In application, many people find it easier to use tweezers to assist in lining up the strip with their natural lashes. Others can simply apply with their fingers, and I envy you greatly. Another trick is never to look straight on or up when applying lashes, like so many of us do when putting on makeup, but to look down past your nose into the mirror.
These are just a few ways to conquer your falsie fear, and of course, there are endless other resources out there to help. Soon, it’ll be so easy, you won’t even bat an eye (I’ll see myself out).