The truth is this: college students are broke. Another truth: college textbooks are ridiculously expensive.
Every semester, we all procrastinate our asses off not reading assigned chapters for a book that cost around $300 and maybe at the end of the semester, realize that we used 3 chapters out of the 30. Whether you rent your books, buy them second hand then sell them, or actually buy them because you will need them for more than just one class, college textbook prices are not catered to the average, broke college student. As we begin the new semester, here are a few things that we may rather pay for than annoyingly expensive textbooks.
- Apple music
- Extra guac at Chipotle
- Justin BeiberĀ concert tickets
- Replacing broken headphones
- Lulu Lemon leggings
- Spring break tickets to Cancun
- Getting broken iPhone fixed
- Numerous Uber rides
- Parking ticket
- Full priced clothing from ASOS
- Groceries from Whole Foods
- Nespresso Coffee machine (with milk foam maker)
- New MacBook
- Socks from Hunter
- Tickets toĀ Super Bowl
- Advanced Spectrum Power vaccum cleaner
- Storage space all year round
- All the Naked palettes from Urban Decay
- New water bottle
- Endless supply of feminine toiletries (why are they so expensive?)
Have a great spring semester everyone! And let us all pray that textbook prices will one day go down.