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8 Words/Phrases All CWRU Students Can Define

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Case chapter.

Here at Case Western Reserve University, we seem to have adopted our own lingo. As a student body, we’ve all had our share of varying trials and tribulations, but there are some things that we’ve all experienced, and some words are just essential to our lives here at CWRU:


(Not to be mistaken for Spartie, our mascot)A large dance party that usually takes place somewhere on North Side during orientation week. The party features local DJs, crazy Orientation Leaders, and lots of awkward dancing. It is said to be a mix of the words “Spartan” and “party,” which just shows how truly creative we are…

“Case College”

Another (mostly sarcastic) name for CWRU made popular by the 2014 Fall Concert artist “Echosmith,” whose lead singer repeatedly said the name of our university wrong.

“Officer Mark”

Our famed crossing guard and policeman who spews encouragement and always seems to be happy…even in sub-zero temperatures.


A common term used to describe an unpleasant feeling towards one’s course load, the university, or just life in general.Example:Student 1: “How is your workload lately? Are you ready for the Bio test?”Student 2: “Dude, I’m totally sCWRUd.”


A shortened version of “prospective student.” These students are often hailed for being the cause of better dining hall food and random, sunny weather. They are pretty easy to spot considering their free drawstring backpack and larger-than-life excitement.

“Campus Squirrels”

Our squirrels are better than every other college campus’ squirrels. Enough said.


A series of courses that all CWRU students need to take in order to graduate. The topics range from science to art to social themes and are supposed to serve as a seminar approach to learning. Discussion, debate, and lengthy papers are common.


The affectionate nickname for our fearless, flawless, faithful leader. Babs is to our university what Beyoncé is to the world: Queen.


Temi is a junior English major who loves programming with the University Program Board, competing on the Varsity Track and Field team, and being part of her wonderful sorority. She is a firm believer that the tongue is the strongest muscle in the body and language is the most powerful force in the universe.