This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Case chapter.
This week’s campus celeb is Abby Whited! Abby is a junior and a sister of Sigma Sigma Sigma from Buffalo, New York majoring in Marketing who aspired to one day hopes to travel the world during her professional life. She enjoys the simple things in life and is a curious mind always looking to learn new things. Most notably, she is an RA in Tippit and a valued employee for the athletic department.
Age: 20
Favorite Color: Blue
Relationship status: Happily Committed
HerCampus: What made you want to be an RA?
Abby Whited: Initially, the free housing. But I really do like getting to know residents and having the funding to be able to do fun things with them.
HC: What has been your favorite thing about being an RA?
AW: Sharing funny RA stories with the rest of my staff.
HC: What do you do on your free time?
AW: Buy food and give it to my residents, but also eat some of it.
HC: Who is your celebrity crush?
AW: Will Turner (not Orlando Bloom, his character) but also Ryan Gosling
HC: One piece of advice for all your fans?
AW: I would tell them to deactive their Facebook, it makes life so much better.