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Taking a Hard Final, As Told By Spongebob

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Case chapter.

Happy last week of finals, CWRU! We at Her Campus Case Western believe in you. But, we also know what it feels like to take your hardest final, and apparently, so does Spongebob.

You walk into the classroom feeling nervous as heck.

Because you spent all night calculating that you need a 75% to get an A in the course and a 45% to get a B instead of actually studying.


The professor starts to hand out the tests, and you think to yourself, “This is it.”

The timer starts, and you can officially flip the test over and begin.

Question 1: “Hey, I recognize some of these words! I learned that once!”

You regain confidence as it all slowly starts to come back to you.

You’re 5 questions in, feeling good.

All of a sudden you come across a question you have no idea how to tackle, and you think, “Maybe I’ll just settle for the B.”

“TEN MINUTES LEFT!” the professor shouts.

Time to go back to all those questions you skipped.

Time is up, and you’re not sure how to feel.

Regardless, you did the best you could do, and that’s all that matters.



Temi is a junior English major who loves programming with the University Program Board, competing on the Varsity Track and Field team, and being part of her wonderful sorority. She is a firm believer that the tongue is the strongest muscle in the body and language is the most powerful force in the universe.