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Why Thanksgiving is the Best Break

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Case chapter.

I have a theory that out of all the breaks, Thanksgiving is the best for just three simple reasons.

1. You get to eat to your heart’s content. The main focal point of the holiday is to eat a large feast. During all the other breaks, it’s slightly understandable that you eat more because of the food at home is clearly better than the dining hall food, but your parents are still judging you. During thanksgiving break, eating unecessarily large quanities of food is the norm. Spending every day of the break stuffing your face with food is the same exact thing everyone else will be doing.

2. You have every right to be lazy. During the other breaks, your parents understand that you are a stressed and tired college student, yet they still find every possible household task to give you. Well with Thanksgiving break, you can be as lazy as you want because everyone else will be to. Don’t want to take out the trash? That’s fine, just sit on the couch with everyone else and get absorbed in the TV.

3. Sleep all you want. Sleep, that beautiful thig you try to get all the time, is unlimited and totally excusable. With the combination of food and laziness, everyone will be tired and sleep.


So basically Thanksgiving break is just one huge excuse to eat a lot, be extremely lazy, and sleep all day long. What else could be better than that?

A freshman at Case Western Reserve University. I love reading, Tumblr, and food; the essentials for my existence. Netflix is up there too.