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10 Tips To Reduce Your Anxiety At The End Of The Semester

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Casper Libero chapter.

The feeling of the end of the semester arrives at some point and with that, the thump of delivery of work and assessments reaches the psychological of any student, whether they are at high school or university. The anxiety present in students’ lives takes an indiscreet course, making those who suffer from the disorder have a greater difficulty with their  academic lives. 

However, many studies indicate that with the correct treatment and the right devices to control the anxiety, going through the exams can be easier! The researcher Olivia Remes, from Cambridge University, studies anxious cases and says that proper medication sometimes has no long-term effect it promises. However, her studies gives us strategies of how to fight without stressing the whole head: 

1. Forgive: It is very common to see students being self-critical with themselves, especially in relation to the final grades. Therefore, blaming yourself less on positive consequences for a task that needs to be performed. 

2. Worry: Usually, when something tends to go wrong, concerns reach much more easily, sometimes even before it has a problem. So, the tip is to worry less and not immediately.  

3. Helping others: Relating to people tends to keep the mind healthy, and this brings good energies for students on call as peers can advise during the evaluative (or self-evaluative) process. 

But for us, young people of race life, not always going to the psychologist does indeed help, and we will agree that it is not always very cheap right? So sometimes recipes for home-based activities are a “cat leap” in the everyday lives of academics. 

So, I’ve put together 10 tips on how to reduce anxiety before or even after the end of the semester; simple and quick tips that even non-college students can take in the routine. 

#1 Chamomile Tea 

Chamomile has anti-stress properties and calming effects, which faithfully helps those nervous and anxious to prepare or end a busy day or full of activities. 

#2 Incenses   

There are various incenses on the market that promise to invigorate and revitalize the environment we are in, and depending on, they also help calm the body through the process of inspiration and expiration. 

#3 Physical exercises  

Several studies have already proved that the exercises release endorphin, a substance that brings a sense of well-being after practicing physical activities. Arranging a little time in the study schedule to perform exercises can bring calm and well-being, even after the activity is done. 

#4 Writing  

 Writing about your daily tasks, the matter of proof and your feelings need time and rest, then putting the writing into practice helps the brain to further de-stress to recall the content of that hairy test. 

#5 Revitalizing baths  

 After a day full of headaches, the feeling of weight on the body is evident, so a warm bath helps in lightness, both mentally and physically, as well as assisting in the respiratory process. 

#6 Music and dance  

Cool songs are an escape valve for students since it’s easy to have them always on hand on our cell phones, iPods, and stereos. However, dancing is a unique activity to put the spirits up and bring happiness to the surface after a busy day. 

#7 Mindfulness 

Something totally new is the mindfulness, much-used meditation style nowadays for accomplishment or continuation of activities, since the method is the interruption of an aftertaste to control the breath and to calm the mind. This type of meditation brings the acceptance of our everyday experience, integrating the mind and body as one. 

#8 Applications  

 The new vibe of the young are the applications of meditation, also another much more accessible way of recovering the body and the mind without even leaving home

#9 Animals

Studies have proven that animals are great therapists and incredible to take the sadness away. From even being a turtle or a dog, both can make us smile and forget the problems. So, take some time out of your routine to play with your little animal. 

#10 Invest in a chocolate  

Chocolate releases phenylethylamine, which also releases endorphin hormone, and gives the sensation of pleasure. It has been proven that eating a chocolate before the test makes you more “attentive”. I mean, wanting or not, a little help did you see? 

Anxiety is very present in our lives, whether it is the end of the semester or not. But do not despair! With focus and confidence, besides a good joy around, everything is capable of being realized; and remembering the great High School Musical refrain “we are all in this together”!  

Mirella Agnes

Casper Libero '21

Fire sign, a little determined. I read most of the time, but I like biology too. Gamer, and writer. A total geek, and duff. Speak more than own mouth, but prefer silence when going to write something. A journalist in training, and lover of Seventh Art.
Giovanna Pascucci

Casper Libero '22

Estudante de Relações Públicas na Faculdade Cásper Líbero que ama animais e falar sobre séries.