Because Disney movies can be relatable to everyday college life
1. When someone asks for a piece of your food in the cafeteria
2. On Friday after the a tough weekÂ
3. When after a lifetime, you finally see someone pretty you have never noticed in the campus
4. Couples making out in public
5. The “funny” or “smart” person speaks in class and waits for people’s reaction
6. Getting a 10 on an assignment
7. Seeing the requirements of a group project – and worst, for getting your diploma
8. Finding an excuse for why you didn’t finish a paper/project/article
9. Hearing some absurd comments in class
10. Thinking about Summer and Vacation while on the middle of semester
11. Your favorite song plays in one of college parties
12. When someone you usually don’t talk to comes to you and asks for a favor
13. When you meet your friends eyes and both of you silently acknowledge, you actually don’t know what this class is about
14. Computer broking, losing a file, flash drive not working
15. Delivering your last semester paperÂ
16. Understanding Economy and Political matters in class