Creating your first résumé is not always meant to be an easy task. The lack of experience may make you feel insecure about trying to get an internship opportunity; however, you should not panic.
One of the toughest part about it is proving that even if you have no work experience you are still qualified for the position. That’s why it’s time to use your skills, abilities, education and goodwill to achieve the next step in your career.
Keep in mind your résumé is the first impression your (hopefully) future boss will have from you. Therefore, it needs to show your personality and have a great professional appearance.
Besides your personal and contact information (like name, age, address and marital status), you might want to add extra things that prove you’re the ideal candidate they’re looking for. Roberto Coutinho, manager at MixTV, said “it is very common receiving wrong contact information”, so, one should pay attention while doing it. Here are some other points you cannot forget when creating you résumé:
1. Talk about your experiences
Try to think of interesting things you’ve done in the past. Remember projects you’ve worked on, volunteer programs you’ve helped and experiences in which you’ve taken on leadership roles. This is a great way to demonstrated initiative and a specific ability. In addition, talk about college or high school that you’ve attended, summer and part time jobs can be found as something nice as well. “Every activity or course related to the vacancy is very welcome”, said Coutinho.
2. Don’t forget about your skills
Skills are very important when trying to get specific job opportunities. Thus, remember other relevant coursework, extracurricular activities and community involvement you’ve had in your life. Also computer (Photoshop or editing social media videos, for example), language skills (remember those sentences you’ve learned during Spanish or French classes?), or professional certifications are a differential. According to Coutinho, “you have to master the skill you have on your résumé”.
3. Nice layout (but not too fancy)
Keep in mind the most important thing is the content, not how it’s displayed. However, sometimes, having a nice designed résumé can, somehow, highlight you. Yet, you have to make sure your résumé is simple, clean, easy to get information from and attractive as well. Don’t make it longer than one page. According to Coutinho “standard résumés can tire the one who is selecting. A résumé with a more interesting layout shows the candidate thinks out of the box”.
4. Write about you accomplishments
Let them know your potential and great things you’ve achieved in your career and education so far! That’s why you must develop a strong and professional résumé that communicates enthusiasm and competence to employers.
Finally yet importantly, don’t forget to proofread! Check your spelling and make sure there are no mistakes. It’ll show you’re detail oriented and very secure about what you do.