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5 easy and practical recipes to eat healthy when you have a busy routine

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Casper Libero chapter.

It’s not always easy to stay healthy and aware of what you’re eating when you’re constantly in a hurry. That’s why we must keep things easy and practical when it comes to eating healthy in the midst of a busy routine. Check out these recipes and never fall off your diet. 

Avocado and cottage cheese 

Avocado is the ultimate super-healthy food! In the past few years, its fame and popularity has only grown and that’s because it is an amazing source of healthy fats, vitamins and helps you stay full longer. Alongside the avocado, you could add some cottage cheese and get a good amount of protein. Now, you can enjoy a delicious toast filled with great nutrients!

Rice cracker and tuna 

Rice crackers have also gained a lot of popularity through the years and that’s due to its little amount of calories. The cracker is originally an Asian recipe but has become popular all over the world. To add a bit of protein to the snack, you can add some tuna and enjoy the easy, practical and delicious snack. 

Hummus and carrots

Hummus is an arabic recipe that has also become famous all over the globe. Made essentially out of chickpeas, olive oil and tahine, hummus is a good source of protein and many important vitamins. To add some crunchiness to the snack, carrots are a great option – full of great nutrients and very low on calories. Cucumber is another good option.

Apple and peanut butter

Also, for those who often have a sweet tooth: apples and peanut butter are the ultimate healthy choice. This is quite a famous snack – healthy, delicious and very crunchy. The peanut butter is a great source of healthy fats and the apple is great for fibers, energy and many vitamins. 

Greek yogurt and fruits

Greek yogurt is a must-have if you’re into a healthy eating lifestyle. Add some fruits to it and you’ve got yourself a great easy and practical snack! This option is a great source of protein, energy, vitamins and fiber! This one is specially good for your intestine. 

These are a few options if you are looking to change your eating habits. It is possible to do it even with a busy routine. Relax, write down the ingredients and start today! 



The article above was edited by Thays Avila. 

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Nathália Lopes

Casper Libero '23

Journalism student
Giovanna Pascucci

Casper Libero '22

Estudante de Relações Públicas na Faculdade Cásper Líbero que ama animais e falar sobre séries.