You have a good salary and you still feel like it is not enough to pay the bills? Want to save money and go to that beautiful caribbean island? Here are 5 tips that will help you save and keep track of your money:Â
- Use a spreadsheet
A spreadsheet is the easiest way to keep track of what and how much you are spending on each item. They are also easy to make on any computer, cell phone or paper. We recommend google spreadsheets because it is easy to use and access from any device.
Plan ahead by adding to your budget core items like gas (if you have a car), groceries, house bills, cell phone and TV plan. That way you will know how much you have left to spend on leisure or even to save up for future investments.
Do not forget to label everything with dates so your spreadsheet does not get messy!
- A budget
Always have a budget set of how much money you plan on using each month and a goal of savings. Keep both of those numbers in your spreadsheet so you can base your spendings on them.Â
The amount you spend each month can change, so it’s important to have some extra money in case of an emergency. But just because you have a budget and you are already saving a part of your salary it does not mean you can’t save more. So always be on the look for sales and deals.Â
- Set a payday
Having that one day of the month when you pay all your bills is extremely necessary when trying to be organized. By doing this you will get the most important obligations out of the way without forgetting and getting into debt.
Use alarms or a calendar on your phone to remind you of what you need to pay and the date.
- Stay away from installments
Buying something with money you do not have at the time makes it easier to fall into debt. If you want something more expensive like a car you have to plan ahead and save all the money needed or include in your budget all of the installments you will have to pay every month. Keep in mind that most installments come with interest so in the long term you will be spending more.Â
- Invest
When you have no debts and your financial life is under control you should think about investing some of the extra money you have (NEVER use all of your savings at once). There are many ways of investing your money, from starting your dream company to putting money in stocks. But before doing so, research all the pros, cons and hows.
The article above was edited by Mel Trench.Â
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