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Kristen Bryant / Her Campus
Wellness > Mental Health

5 ways to relax and not stress during the new semester

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Casper Libero chapter.

For all students, the beginning of the semester is always a time of a lot of anxiety and concern. Whether from school or college, it is that moment that we are prone to want everything to go perfectly and on schedule, without any possibility of error or accidents on the way. And if something like that happens, everything goes out of routine and life becomes complete chaos.

But calm down! Despite being a phase where the nerves are on edge, it is possible to see this situation with different eyes: it is a new opportunity to try again! New beginnings heal and are always welcome. It is time to leave the past behind and learn from the mistakes made, in order not to repeat them in the new cycle that begins.

Doubts and uncertainties about the new experiences are inevitable. Therefore, we have separated five incredible tips for you who are going through this moment  that will help you stay calm and not get carried away by the stress at the beginning of the semester, check it out:

Establish a routine

Although it seems tedious, the routine is essential for those who want to maintain a good pace of studies and not to be carried away by stress during the semester. Putting our fixed appointments on paper and putting together a weekly schedule allows us to visualize the daily routine, from the time we wake up to the moment we go to sleep. With this, it is possible to organize and program your fixed activities (school, college, work, studies etc.) and, from that, organize extra activities and leisure for free hours.

If you are not comfortable planning a schedule on your own, ask for help from someone you trust and is with you daily or look for a specialist, such as a psychologist.

Try to organize in advance

When planning a schedule and establishing a routine, it’s very important to organize yourself a day before for the next day’s tasks and chores. Much of the stress during the semester is caused by the accumulated subjects and lack of time to catch up. The use of an agenda, whether virtual or paper, is necessary to set the deadline for the tasks and, therefore, organize them so that they can be done in advance (preferably on the same day that you receive the activity to be done).

This way, the sooner the activities are done, the less the chance of accumulating the subjects and being carried away by stress.

Practice physical exercise and eat well

It may seem like insistence, but it is extremely important that there is a daily exercise routine and a balanced diet.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), aerobic activity should be done in at least 30 minutes and 3 to 5 days a week. Depending on the practice, the exercises should be intensified according to the physical profile and age of each one. With a routine of studies, physical exercise helps in the disposition and improves the quality of life, in addition to avoiding possible cardiovascular diseases and reducing the stress load.

A healthy and balanced diet is essential to maintain a routine during the semester. Not skipping meals, substituting fat-laden foods with ones full of fiber and vitamins, help to keep the mood and energy up there, reducing levels of stress and anxiety. Seek the help of professionals in each area to guide you in the most correct way.

Sleep well

It is extremely important to be concerned about the quality of sleep. Sleeping about hours a day is essential to not accumulate sleep. Sleepless nights do not allow the day to go well and we end up being unproductive, accumulating more and more tasks and increasing stress levels.

Try to establish a time to sleep. For at least 30 minutes before, stay away from cell phones and computers, and try to do something that calms you down and makes you sleepy: read a book, do a meditation or at most, watch a series that is calmer and just lie on bed when you really go to sleep. Hours of good sleep leads to productive days.

Take a moment of the day or week to do something you enjoy

Last but not least, try to separate leisure time in your schedule. Activities outside the context of study or work are extremely important to remain active and willing when necessary. Leisure rests the mind, preparing it for the next tasks. Try to do something you like: watch a series or a movie, dance to your favorite songs, make a different recipe, if you have a pet at home, go for a walk with them, eat something you like etc.

It is necessary to set aside moments to do what you like, because in addition to relaxing your mind from fixed jobs and activities, this also reduces stress levels, increasing productivity and concentration for the next day’s tasks.

It is normal to be nervous, but try to look at the new semester with different eyes, a chance to start things over. Everything is possible! 



The article above was edited by Thays Avila. 

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Second year student of Journalism at Faculdade Cásper Líbero. 20 years old, taurine and in love about communication.
Giovanna Pascucci

Casper Libero '22

Estudante de Relações Públicas na Faculdade Cásper Líbero que ama animais e falar sobre séries.