Organization is something you always have to adapt. Sometimes, the way you think will help you, it doesn’t, and then you have to try new ways. But no worries: one time you’ll find what type of organizations fits you. In this post, here are 7 tips to inspire you to organize your back to school. Keep reading!
- Color Code
Color code is a simple way to start organizing your subjects. You just need to pick a color for each subject and class, then stick with it until your classes are over. Here’s an example: blue is for radiojournalism, purple for economics and pink for philosophy.
Another way is when you need to mark important parts in a text, so you choose a color for each category, like orange: title, yellow: definition and green: examples. It’s important to keep the colours you chose, because when you read a text more than once, you’ll know what each color means right away.
- Weekly Planner
Planning your week sometimes isn’t very simple, but it helps a lot, because you know when you have tests, some doctor appointment, dance class, gym, etc. You have to sit down in the beginning of the week and write everything down (I mean EVERYTHING) that you have to do on those days, so when you have to do something, you’ll know the day and time. Here is some printables week planners:
- Monthly Planner
It’s the same idea from the week planner, but this time you’ll organize your study life by month. You can write your homework and exams deadlines and have more time to prepare. Below, there is some links for you to print:
- Daily Planner
With this, you may check all the assignments you wrote for the day. It’s important to write everything, and at the end of the day, you’ll have done all in your daily list and you can say that the day were productive. Some printable options:
- ABCDE Method
This is a to do list, but more improved. Each task in the list you made is categorized in five types.
A: more important tasks, the ones that have serious consequences if don’t do;
B: these are your second most important tasks with minor consequences if you don’t do;
C: tasks that are easy and quick to do;
D: these tasks are the ones that you can ask someone to do it for you;
E: tasks that isn’t that necessary, there’s more important than these ones.
If you want to know more, here’s a helpful link:
- To Do Lists
It’s the almost the same from the ABCDE method. The difference is here you just write things to do, not in an order or categorized by importance.
Some cute printable ones below:
- Organization Apps
If you prefer technology, here are some apps that will probably help you with your study organization:
My Study Life – for note taking in classes and dates reminder;
Mindly – for mind maps;
Freedom – an app that blocks your phone for a period of time for you to concentrate in your study;
Evernote – for notes;
And if these 7 tips weren’t enough, here’s a plus: Pinterest is a great platform for more information and inspo about organization!