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Are You A “Too Sweet” Person Or “You’d Rather Take Your Whiskey Neat”? Understand These Two Personalities Drawn By Hozier

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Casper Libero chapter.

If you are on TikTok, you’ve probably heard the phrase “I’d rather take my whiskey neat”. Do you know where this excerpt came from? Hozier released his new single “Too Sweet” on march 22, the music is part of his new EP, Unheard. He gifted his fans with four tracks that were out of his 2023 release Unreal Unearth, compiling them into an EP.

“These are songs that might’ve made it to the circles of gluttony, limbo, violence and the outward ‘ascent’ respectively but could not for different reasons”, said Hozier on his Instagram.

“Too Sweet” talks about a sweet woman, who takes an easy and calm lifestyle while Hozier represents the whole opposite. The new single became such a success on TikTok, mainly because it’s a narrative about rejection. That was shocking to a lot of people considering he wrote the lines “the only heaven I’ll be sent to is when I’m alone with you” in the music “Take me to Church” and now he released these lyrics about rejecting someone.

Now that the music is gaining more and more visibility, mainly on TikTok, the fans are trying to figure out which one of the opposite personalities retreated in the song they are. Let’s find out what these personalities truly mean!

Too Sweet

The sweeter one is treated as pure and innocent, a girl “bright as the morning, soft as the rain”. Some fans noticed that he was contradictory in his lyrics, since in his past music “Work Song” he praised a girl’s sweetness and innocence, as he did in the song “Take me to church”, saying that “there’s no sweeter innocence than our gentle sin”. The “too sweet” girl is someone who needs a routine and praises a structure in life, while someone like Hozier is more spontaneous and free.

Take your whiskey neat

Hozier wants this woman but also wants to protect her from him. He’d wait for her if she tried to become less sweet, but until that happens he’d rather date less innocent women, less optimistic and more mature – more like him –, whom he wouldn’t be afraid to hurt. In the song he says “as sweet as a grape, if you could sit in a barrel maybe I’ll wait” meaning that, if she became more bitter, he would wait for her. 

Like many others, this song brings more than one interpretation. Besides this presented above, another one of them is that he rejects her for being too good, her perfect life could make him feel guilty and irritated for not being as good as her. 

As we’ve seen, the song “Too Sweet” is more about the lover’s opposite personalities. But, as in “Work Song”, maybe Hozier could start to appreciate her sweetness again… or maybe the girl could sit in a barrel to become more bitter for him. What do you think? Will they work together? Can this relationship become real? Who knows, maybe Hozier will answer these questions in his next releases.


The article above was edited by Ana Beatriz Aith.

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Sarah Pizarro

Casper Libero '27

18 years old, journalism student at Cásper Líbero.