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Back To Cásper Líbero Classes: The Complete Survival Guide For Freshmen

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Casper Libero chapter.

Start in college comes with a mix of fear and excitement, is a new place, a new environment, and anything can happen. For those new students on campus, willing to find their place in the communication field and this small, but cool, building, Her Campus Cásper Líbero prepared a guide to help thought the year.

Use your print quota

Every month each student receives a little bit more than R$ 9 of quota to print on the 5th floor. It can be a good thing not only to print some projects for class but also some of the texts teachers will pass through the year. Also, it’s cumulative, but by the end of December, the system will restart that. 

According to Anna Paula Dechechi, a journalism student in the fourth year, “the quota is small, so we need to learn how to use it properly. I recommend the news students to save it for around the exam, when we have a lot of texts to read, also try to use it all, in the end, you going to need that.”

The library has everything you need

Sometimes the library can feel a little too far or too cold. However, this silence place has almost every book that teachers pass in class. So if you don’t have the money to invest in it, make sure to visit the library, the staffs are always very helpful, no matter when you go there. 

However, don’t forget to check the return date, or you may have to pay for each day you keep the book. And you may also affect student who may be in the line waiting to rent it. You can renew the loan requesting it for one staff or accessing the library website linked to Cásper’s main site. 

The fronts are amazing

Being in college is also an adventure to find who you are, and at Cásper Líbero, everybody can find their group and support a cause with the collectives. Some of them are the Africasper, The LGBTQ+ front, Lisandra – feminist front, and a few more.

The groups often meet inside college out of class hours; their new schedule can be seen through social media, and the lead members from the fronts always pass in class inviting new people for debates. 

Silchya, 21 years old students, is part of the Africasper, the front that reunites black students from the college. She decided to join the front because she identified herself and her daily life with the group. 

She said that “we must make critical assessments because Cásper is an environment made for white, rich guys, so you have those minorities that talk about different matters, and that can make people rethink their actions.” 

If you get hungry, don’t worry

Cásper Líbero is in the middle of the heart of São Paulo, and for sure, the students can have anything they crave and that their pocket allows. Inside the building, there is Rockcafé, a place that can be a little expensive but gives you healthy options, and it is very well located when you are in a hurry. 

Top Center is a mall close to the college, and the students have an exclusive discount in most of the restaurants, make sure you have your access card with you.

For those looking for a quick snack, in front of the college, there are a few options. People sell chocolate, corn, and popcorn. Just go for it and don’t be scared to try new things!

Make sure you never miss a party

With all the stress from class, work, and other projects, nothing better than a party to dance and have fun. During the year, there are many parties planned. From the welcoming party to the new students to Dezembeer, the last and probably the craziest party of the year. 

It’s the right moment to enjoy ourselves and even talk to other students from different courses and years. 

You can let the music to the Battery

They are energetic, have rhythm, and never misses a party. Casper’s Battery works hard to make good music, and they make all the students jump in every event. But not only they are the life of the party, but also the group can become your family. 

Daniele Gracia, 18 years-old journalism student, just started her second year in the Battery, and for her, “it’s a place a feel good, and they are very welcoming all the time.” 

She adds that the new students should try it so they can make new friends and understand more how college works. 

So are you ready for the first of the best four years of your life?


The article above was edited by Gabriela Sartorato.   

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Carolina Zenzen

Casper Libero '22

Soon to be a journalist, a lot of passion for writing and reading
Giovanna Pascucci

Casper Libero '22

Estudante de Relações Públicas na Faculdade Cásper Líbero que ama animais e falar sobre séries.