As we could see, these last few days stopped the Brazilian netizens with a subject: the never-ending Coldplay spectacles. As a writer, I have to be impartial, but I went to the concert and noticed some very interesting things, and would like to share them with you, reader.
First of all, the show has a very strong position in sustainability. So, all the time, facts about ways to preserve the environment and projects to achieve this were shared with the audience.
Chris Martin explained to the public how environmental politics was included in the gig. It was such a great feeling knowing that, by buying a ticket and having the greatest time, we also helped a lot of communities, and encouraged a lot of projects.
The famous bracelets
If we search on Twitter or Instagram and watch videos of Coldplay’s spectacles, we will see a sea of infinity colors. As the presentation goes on, the bracelets change colors according to the frequency of the song that’s being played. When the music intensifies, the colors in the bracelets shine stronger instead of light colors, which pass a sense of calmness.
The bracelets are made of LED and are radio frequency controlled. Introduced to the gigs around 2009, they became a main attraction. But after all, does it really transform the concert?
According to André de Amorim Bottacin (21), a fan who was in one of the shows, “The show would be amazing even without the bracelets. But you can’t deny that they made everything perfect! They transformed the show into a sensory experience, almost magical!”
Special Participations
So, after talking about the main attraction, we’re gonna talk about another unique thing that Coldplay did: the special participations. So far four spectacles have been carried out, all of them in São Paulo, but they will follow with the tour to Curitiba and Rio de Janeiro too, and we can expect more of this.
In the gigs that have already been held, some special participations of Brazilian music and culture were featured. The acclaimed actor, singer, and songwriter Seu Jorge, and the brilliant, talented Sandy, with her angelic voice, went on stage and sang with Chris Martin. What a view, am I right?
Putting a little personal opinion, we could see the band’s effort to connect to the maximum with Brazilian culture. The singer’s charisma is a stronger factor in making people like the band and the music so much. All the time, he said how thankful he was to everyone that came to see them, even with rain and traffic.
He also used the concert to spring messages, like: “If you don’t have love, BE the love”. Not to mention the countless times he spoke Portuguese in an attempt to be as inclusive as possible.
Regiane Guerra (50) attended the spectacle and loved the presentation of Seu Jorge. She said: “The idea of mixing two such different musical styles was something amazing! The band and Seu Jorge were well synchronized, and the people who were close to me, vibrated, danced, and worshipped”.
The space
The gig was held at Morumbi Stadium, which is not so accustomed to receiving large events such as international shows. As we expected, the location did not please some people. But, I talked with some people that went to the gig, and we concluded that the problem wasn’t the stadium, it was the organization.
The place has good acoustics, but, there were a lot of people. So, they should have organized the stadium better. Talking as a PCD person, I saw that they did not care about inclusion, no one was helping to up the ramps, or even organize a line. When I went to the stadium, the first thing I did was talk to a person from the organization to explain my situation. I did this at least three times and didn’t work.
I talked to a member of São Paulo club, Renato Dias (36) and he explained that the organization was made by an American outsourced company, not for the members of the club that are used to working in these events and know the Stadium. So, for that reason, they didn’t expect a lot of people that were at the concert. He adds: “They may have fumbled by the size of the stadium, not the stadium by the size of the show”.
So, we can conclude that the problem wasn’t Morumbi, but the company that organized the show.
So… Was it worth it?
Taking into account the testimonials collected for this matter and my personal experience, the gig was such a magic event.
Even with the heavy rain, delay in the opening gates (arising from problems in the organization), hours in line to pick up a good place, and other situations, every single person that I talked to, would come back to review the show and have an amazing feeling again.
So, as a writer, I venture to say that, in the eyes of my sources, the concert – without other factors – was everything we expected and more. Now, as someone that was also a part of that, I can affirm that it was a unique experience that I would definitely live again.
The article above was edited by Júlia Pupo Mucha Fagá.
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