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Did you know that 3 Olympic events happened in 2024?

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Casper Libero chapter.

Every four years, the sports world is bombarded with Olympic events and 2024 was the scene of three of these competitions. The Olympics, the Paralympics and Youth Olympic Games are the three major events that took place this year, whereas each competition has its own individuality and unique importance. Few people know about all of them, which results in a lack of recognition and visibility that they deserve; if you find out a little more about them, you can be sure that your fan side will wake up and that you’ll be getting ready to cheer along with the players four years from now in a new whole season of games!

Summer Olympic Games – Paris 2024

The most recognized of the competitions, the Olympic Games were the most waited event of the year, with more than 10,000 athletes among 48 sports during 17 days. It took place in the city of Paris, France, with a structure designed for the sustainability and innovation of the games, in the middle of famous French tourist attractions such as the Champs-ÉlysĂ©es and the Eiffel Tower. The main objective of this event, among the games, is the appreciation of sport and athletes, who dedicate years to be there competing against each other.  

Paralympic Games – Paris 2024

The 2024 Paralympic Games, like the Olympics, were held in Paris, France. For 12 days, 4,400 athletes were present and divided between 22 sports exclusive to these games, such as blind soccer and wheelchair basketball. This event is held to promote the inclusion of people with any physical or mental disability, with sports adapted to each necessity. Despite not having the same incentive and visibility from people and the media as other competitions, these games have elite athletes who have been preparing for years to be there, going far beyond the idea of just a competitive event.

Youth Olympic Games – Gangwon 2024

For 14 days, the Youth Olympic Games happened in the city of Gangwon, South Korea. Considered the most recent additions to the Olympic competitions, the Youth Games are designed to include and encourage young people in sport. This year, 1900 athletes participated in the event, competing in 15 sports. For the first time it was held with gender parity, with the same number of competitions for men and women.

The importance of sporting diversity and representation at these championships.

Over the years, events like these have been given a new meaning to the sport world. Championships like the Olympic events are developed to reach each necessity and going beyond competitiveness: the main idea is not just to win, but to promote a collective essence of inclusion, respect and an opportunity to connect nations. Each year these games gain more strength among athletes and fans, creating a constantly growing network of support, encouraging not only the dissemination of these games, but also the investment of citizens in sport.


The article above was edited by Marina di Bernardo Babichak.

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Maria Eduarda Goulart

Casper Libero '27