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“Did you know that there’s a tunnel under ocean blvd”: get to know everything about Lana Del Rey’s new album

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Casper Libero chapter.

Did you know that there’s a tunnel under ocean boulevard is Lana’s ninth studio album, released on March 24th. Her previous record, Blue Banisters (2021), made her the artist with the most number-one songs on Billboard’s Alternative Albums chart. Now, we have the longest album yet, with 16 tracks. 

Del Rey has again chosen a minimalistic style, a melancholic tune that creates a dreamlike atmosphere. But at the same time, this album is a lot more profound compared to her earliest records, such as Ultraviolence. Did you know… is a reminder Lana is an amazing singer and songwriter that has a lot to tell the world. The album features guest appearances from Jon Batiste, SYML, Riopy, Father John Misty, Bleachers and Tommy Genesis. Before releasing the whole album, Lana had released three songs as singles. 

It is common to see Del Rey using many references to places, music and history in her songs. But in this new album, she’s highlighting her other works. The last song “Taco Truck X VB” features an unheard alternate version of “Venice Beach”, from the exceptional Norman Fucking Rockwell.

Critical reviews around the album are really positive. According to Rolling Stone Lana Del Rey’s ‘Did You Know There’s a Tunnel Under Ocean Blvd’ Is Her Most Soul-Searching Album Yet”. 


The first track of the album is “The Grants”, a tribute to Lana’s family. The singer’s real name is Elizabeth Woolridge Grant. The intro features the emotional vocals of Melodye Perry, Pattie Howard and Shikena Jones. Just before the one-minute mark, Lana enters the song with a change of pace and it becomes slower and softer. Throughout the song, Lana asks questions to herself and has some reflexive thoughts, as the pre-chorus: 

Do you think about Heaven? // Do you think about me? // My pastor told me when you leave, all you take is your memory”


Did you know that there’s a tunnel under Ocean Blvd” is the second song, almost five minutes long. There is indeed a tunnel under Ocean Boulevard in Long Beach, California, called Jergins Tunnel. It has been closed since 1967, due to safety reasons. The tunnel was built to help pedestrians to access the beach. 

This song is about the fear of being forgotten. Lana compares herself to the tunnel, once beautifully appreciated by everyone and now completely abandoned, and asks “When’s it gonna be my turn? // Don’t forget me”. She wants to be remembered, loved and worthed. 


If you already know the song “I Wanted to Leave” by SYML, the beginning of “Paris, Texas” will feel the same to you. This one samples the entire instrumental and melody of SYMLs. The lyrics are about leaving home, going from city to city, discovering new places and being in constant movement. 

“It’s time to go. When you know, you know”

The album follows with enigmatic metaphors and unconscious thoughts. It translates our real and fantasy lives into melodies, sounds, instruments and is well expressed by Lana’s voice. 


The article above was edited by Mariana do Patrocínio. 

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Cecília Marin

Casper Libero '25

Estudante do 2º ano de Jornalismo, apaixonada por política, entretenimento, literatura e escrita <3