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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Casper Libero chapter.

Once in a group dinamics, the person who was giving the lead asked us which question we would like to ask an interviewer and which we would never say during a job interview. After the dinamics were over, my friend told me she had just came up with a great question: ‘Does the way we dress to a job interview really matter?’.

First Impressions

We didn’t have the chance to get an answer from our interviewer, but we should accept the common sense – Yes, how you dress can help you get the job, since the way you look is the first thing your interviewer will see, before you even say a word!

Don’t be a fish out of water

First of all, do some research to find out about the culture of the company you’re going for: is it casual or do you need to dress up? In the Communications area, you can either find jobs in the creative or corporate areas. If you’re in doubt which side should you go, find a balance between both. A nice blouse, dark jeans or trousers, flats and a blazer will make you score some points!

Less is more

You wan’t to make a great first impression – that’s for sure. Our piece of advice? Be careful not to overdress! You should be wearing the clothes – and not the clothes should be wearing you. You need to feel comfortable wearing your outfit. Feeling like you own your look will give you an extra shot of confidence, since we feel extra good when we dress the part.




Different colors send different messages. Black is elegant and the color of power. Grey is not a distracting color, so it will bring all the attention to your words rather than having all the attention drawn to your clothes. Despite being neutral colors, white projects cleanliness and brown promotes communication and stability. Green and blue are calming colors, and they represent wealth and loyalty, respectively.  Be careful with the overuse of red, since it is a emotionally intense color, and yellow, the most attention-getter of all colors.


In a nutshell? Stick in between. Don’t over nor underdress. Find the balance. Be yourself! Oh, and get the job!

I'm a journalism student at Cåsper Líbero University and the fashion editor of Her Campus Cåsper's Chapter.  My biggest dream is to travel the world and to be a poliglot!
Giovanna Pascucci

Casper Libero '22

Estudante de RelaçÔes PĂșblicas na Faculdade CĂĄsper LĂ­bero que ama animais e falar sobre sĂ©ries.