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End of the road: how to cope with the end of graduation?

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Casper Libero chapter.

Dealing with the closing of a chapter is always challenging. Sometimes, we become too comfortable in certain areas of our lives, stuck in a routine or comfort zone that’s difficult to leave behind, even if we’re unhappy. Other times, we’re attached to the people and environments we frequently attend to, making it harder to move on.

However, it’s okay to leave some things behind. As I’ve heard before, “If it’s hard for you to leave a place, then you lived that place right.” This brings us to three strategies for coping with the end of a chapter, like graduation.

1. Remember the Good Times and Those to Come

We can reflect on fond memories and look forward to new experiences, with the promise that the future encounters will be just as rewarding. Embarking on a new journey can be daunting, but also exciting and transformative.

How many times have we had to leave our comfort zone to experience new things that have become incredible! Leaving preschool for elementary school and then thinking that it’s going to be really bad to move on to high school, but things are still going well, and then we find ourselves worried about the next obstacle we’ll need to overcome.

2. Life is Full of Obstacles

Consider the song “The Climb” from Hannah Montana: The Movie: “Ain’t about how fast I get there. Ain’t about what’s waiting on the other side. It’s the climb.” This reminds us of how important it is to live each stage of our lives, enjoying every moment and keeping in mind that everything is a climb and that it’s worth waiting and persevering to then reach the final destination and enjoy the beautiful view that awaits us.

3. One Chapter Ends for Another to Begin

Imagine your past self seeing how far you’ve come! All those challenges are behind you: tests, presentations, and group projects, now you’re ready for new ones. In addition, the laughter, friends, and memories will stay and follow you through the next chapter, serving as reminders of your resilience and the people you can really trust in. 

Years come and go, but what remains is the hope that change adds beautiful and unexpected things to our journey. It is important not to forget to enjoy the time that remains, saving the details of each special moment, and looking to the future as something wonderful that can bring new memories to be remembered fondly.


The article above was edited by Camila Lutfi.

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Rafaela Bileski

Casper Libero '27

My name is Rafaela Bileski. I’m 19 years old and the things that interest me most are art, journalism, reading, films, photography and dancing.