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Fast fashion and hyper-consumerism walk together?

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Casper Libero chapter.

Talking about the fashion industry is talking about a high potential for pollution. Although this sector is harmful to the environment, it increases the global economy astronomically, mainly the fast fashion section in this industry, but what is this term? And why does it have such an impact today?


Fashion is full of passing trends and that is how fast fashion is built, through the mass consumption of clothes, accessories, and shoes. The items are initially created, publicized, mainly on social networks and mostly by influencers, and sold at much more affordable prices, making access wider for all classes. Soon it all ends, giving way to a new trend, and thus, the vicious cycle repeats itself repeatedly, the famous seeing, liking, and buying.

This is the starting point for hyper-consumerism, the fact that fashion has become something so accessible and desirable, given that nowadays almost everything is a matter of status and that people seek to be seen with a perfect and “aesthetic” life on social networks, ended up increasing the number of individuals who are willing to invest in something that may not even be used that often, something momentary that has many effects on the planet.


The biggest of all effects is pollution and how much these habits affect the environment, the rapid availability of goods, which are replaced at an even greater speed, has its roots in nature.

Water and forests are the targets of excessive use, causing large-scale deforestation and the atmosphere is the target of carbon emissions, the high production of textile waste, and the inadequate disposal of products that are no longer “part of the trend”.

 It is important to highlight that fast fashion is also harmful to the people who consume it, it creates a financial imbalance. It is optional to follow all the trends to be well dressed, the best option is to look for durable items, good quality, and timeless pieces, even better would be to look for small entrepreneurs and brands that practice slow fashion.


Enslaved labor is also a recent issue that is linked to this term, in the documentary The True Cost, the problematization of the fashion industry is discussed, in which director Andrew Morgan clarifies how badly people are treated and are subjected to degrading environments to produce clothes quickly and at low cost, famous brands are mentioned, H&M, Zara and many others.


Insider Store

Brazilian brand focused on basic, essential, technological, and sustainable clothing. The catalog has few pieces, just what is necessary and timeless, the slogan speaks for itself CLOTHES MADE FOR THE FUTURE.

alien for strangers

The family business specializes in denim pants and shorts, tailored clothing, special for each body type!

Cottage Store

Comfort and socio-environmental value, the brand has a country and romantic style, and all clothes are handmade and have 100% cotton in their composition. Even the tags are made of seed paper.


Sustainable women’s fashion, has small-scale production and its collections are full of comfortable and timeless pieces, conscious consumption is the motto!


The article above was edited by Julia Tortoriello.

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Rafaela Bileski

Casper Libero '27

My name is Rafaela Bileski. I’m 19 years old and the things that interest me most are art, journalism, reading, films and dancing.