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From Friends To Lovers: #6 Best Moments Of Jim And Pam In The Office

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Casper Libero chapter.

The Office is one of the most iconic sitcoms of all times and is filled with memorable relationships, but none of them is more cute than Jim and Pam’s romance. They started as friends, and faced many hard moments before they got together. In the end, everything worked out pretty fine, with marriage, kids and a healthy relationship. Here are some of the couple’s best moments.

“Not a bad day”

Where everything starts! Since the first episode we can clearly see that they have the biggest crush on each other, even though Pam is engaged to Roy.

The moment happens when Michael is having a meeting in the conference room, and Pam falls asleep on Jim’s shoulder. It is something simple but we can just see how happy he gets, as he said himself: “not a bad day”.

The kiss

Jim finally says how he feels in season 2, in the episode “Casino Night”.

Even though he is left heart broken after Pam said that they were better as friends, she ends up taking a call from her mom and talking about how she considers the prospect of them being together. When Jim enters the room, she hangs up, and the two share a passionate kiss. The moment is so special and it happens in the right place: the office!

“Are you free for dinner tonight?”

Season tree is filled with tension, Jim has a new girlfriend, he moves away from the Scranton branch, the entire season is marked by mismatch. But everything comes to an end in the two-part finale, “The Job”.

The scene is built perfectly, and makes us part of this special moment. It happens in front of the camera, Pam tells the crew that she doesn’t think she and Jim will ever work out together, but he shows up at the door and asks her for dinner. Of course she says yes and we couldn’t be more happy for them.

“Pam, will you marry me?”

After all, Jim was expecting the wedding as much as we were. It turns out that he had an engagement ring since a week after they started dating, and he teased her about it many times.

They are going through a ruff time, Pam is having art classes in New York and seeing Jim everyday is not a routine anymore. However, the big moment finally happens and it couldn’t be more perfect, surprising everyone! Jim gets down on one knee at a rest stop, right in the middle of the distance that is keeping them apart. He just couldn’t wait and the moment couldn’t be sweeter.

Jim cut off his tie at the wedding

One of the most expected moments finally came! Their wedding happens in a two-part episode called “Niagara”. Pam is having a hard time worried about looking pregnant at the ceremony, and to make things worse she accidentally ripped her veil.

Jim sees his future wife so upset that he decided to console her by clipping his own tie in half with scissors to show her that the only thing he cares about is marrying her, and looking perfect is not that important.

The ceremony happens in their one singular way, sneaking away to marry on a ferry, and then returning to celebrate with friends and family.

Cece is one the way!


The family is getting a little bigger. In season five they have the happiest surprise: Pam is pregnant! They figured it out when the entire office went on a picnic with the corporate.

Though Pam goes to the doctor to seek medical attention for her ankle, they get a baby in the way. The scene is genius and makes everyone emotional, the words “Pam is pregnant” are not said, but the expressions on their faces says it all.

There are so many adorable moments featuring Jim and Pam that we barely scratch the surface. They have many “best moments”, and this is just a piece of one of the most iconic couples in the TV.


The article above was edited by Isadora Noronha Pereira.

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Marina Ponchio

Casper Libero '24

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