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How Far Can Nepotism Take You? Let´s Remember North West´s Appearance At The Lion King Musical

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Casper Libero chapter.

North West, daughter of Kim Kardashian and famous rapper Kanye West, caused some discomfort when she was cast for a special performance in the musical “The Lion King”. North’s presence on stage in the iconic Broadway show raised important questions about nepotism and its impact on the opportunities of other talented children.

The Event

“The Lion King” celebrated its 30th anniversary with a special performance at the Hollywood Bowl featuring actors and actresses who participated in the movie, and cast members from the musical over the decades. North West, only 10 years old, was invited to make a special appearance, which inevitably raised suspicions of favoritism. The public began questioning whether her selection was influenced more by her parents’ status than by her talent.

On social media, North was harshly criticized for her vocal performance, dancing quality, and clothes, which did not match the cast’s costumes. This led many to question whether it was truly a professional performance.


Replying to @alanabanana5799 North West’s Full Lion King Performance #northwest #kimkardashian #thekardashians #thelionking #broadway

♬ original sound – Ashton Galer

The Phenomenon of Nepotism in Hollywood

Nepotism refers to favoritism granted to relatives, especially in giving jobs or other opportunities. In Hollywood, this phenomenon is extremely common and often controversial. Celebrity children frequently have privileged access to auditions, roles, and other resources that can be crucial for advancing artistic careers.

Miley Cyrus, Lily Collins, Emma Roberts, Nicolas Cage, and Lily Rose-Depp are examples of celebrities in the industry who have benefited from their family’s influence. Despite their considerable talent, their last names likely served as facilitators.

The debate about “Nepo babies” resurfaced with the musical performance, where favoritism was noticeable. When celebrity children take roles in high-profile productions, it can diminish the chances for other talented children who do not have the same level of influence. In many cases, these unknown children have trained intensely and competed fairly for these opportunities. Nepotism, in this context, can be seen as an unfair barrier for those who do not have a famous last name.

The Discussion About Merit

One argument in favor of children like North West participating in such productions is that they may also have genuine talent. However, the question remains whether the selection process was truly based on merit or if parental influence played a disproportionate role. This raises doubts about the fairness of audition and selection processes in high-profile productions.

One of the mothers of children who auditioned reported that her daughter reached the final stage. While they waited for their turn to perform, Kim Kardashian entered the room with her daughter. She had heard rumors that someone influential in the industry was trying to secure the role for their child but didn’t believe it would happen. After all, the directors had stated they were looking for an extremely talented child who was not yet known.

Despite changes in the industry over the decades, the problem persists, suggesting that influence and power continue to be decisive factors in obtaining opportunities.

The controversy surrounding North West’s participation in “The Lion King” musical is an opportunity for broader reflection on fairness and equity in the entertainment industry. Artistic productions must develop more transparent and fair selection processes, ensuring that all children have the same chances to demonstrate their talent, regardless of their last name.

Furthermore, the public and media also play a crucial role in questioning and criticizing practices that perpetuate inequality. Only with collective effort can we hope to see real change, where talent and dedication are the main criteria for success in the entertainment world.


The article above was edited by Julia Tortoriello.

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Maria Luiza Malafaia

Casper Libero '26

Hello, I'm Malu :) Journalism student at Cásper Líbero, who loves to write, learn and listen other people's stories.