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Megan Charles / Her Campus Media
Life > Academics

How To Ace Your Study Routine This Semester, According To Your Zodiac Sign

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Casper Libero chapter.

Classes have just begun, and you have more than enough time to prepare for the semester ahead. But… Do you know how? Sometimes, it can get a bit stressful figuring out the perfect routine.

With that (and the stars) in mind, we can teach you the best ways to improve your study sessions based on your zodiac sign. Let’s go!

aries (March 21 – April 20)

Dear Aries, first things first, YOU NEED TO CALM DOWN. We know how energetic you guys can be, but trust me, that will not help you when it’s time for you to sit down and study.

With that being said, it’s better if you exercise or do… you know… something physically tiring before you need to focus. That way, you won’t be on your full Golden Retriever puppy energy and can feel more grounded.

If you want to keep a functional study routine, I would recommend that you study more than one subject a day. So you can feel challenged. What do you think?

Taurus (April 21 – May 20)

You are naturally disciplined, so studying shouldn’t be hard for you. All you need to do is find a fixed time of the day, so you can study every day (or every week) at the same time.

While studying, don’t be shy: read it out loud. It will help you a lot.


Gemini (May 21 – June 20)

I know you can get distracted pretty easily, so organize what you need to study and when you need to do it. I’m not talking only about subjects, within this specific study time for a specific class, pre-organize what you need to do. Or else, you will get overwhelmed and distracted.

When you get to it, have fun! Play as you study, sing some songs, so you can memorize what you need. Make studying fun for you!

Cancer (June 21 – july 21)

Well, Cancer, I am aware that you need to be familiarized with things (location, people, situations) for you to feel OK, so don’t complicate it. Get yourself a study nook and study every single day there. It can be your room, your office, the library, whatever you want. Just make sure it is the same every time.

Before you get to cramming, take some time to yourself, relax, do some self-care. Face masks and healthy snacks are more than welcome! And just remember: take your time. It’s OK to take breaks!

Leo (July 22 – August 22)

I can’t stress this enough: go find yourself a study group. In the best scenario, when you need to study for a big test, you pretend to be a teacher and start teaching your “students”. However, if you are still in Zoom classes like some of us, just read the textbooks and annotations out loud. It works just the same.

Second thing: take off your pajamas and put on some jeans, or else you won’t get anything done, trust me.

Final reminder: be aware that finding a certain subject hard to understand does not make you inferior to your classmates. HOWEVER, being good at them does not make you superior, either. Keep that in mind.

Virgo (August 23 – September 22)

I probably don’t have to tell you this, but you should probably start color-coding your life. And I mean all of it. We all know you are a visual learner.

When thinking about a study routine, feel free to make it as you like, just make sure it is clear and well-set.

Libra (September 23 – October 22)

We know that you bought the whole stationery that was available at Target, you don’t need to brag. Taking advantage of that visual and aesthetically pleasing situation that you love, why don’t you go out when you need to study? Go to a park, a cute coffee shop nearby, a dreamy dark academia library… Go crazy!

Don’t forget the healthy snacks! They are going to be your best friend while you are cramming.

Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)

Ditch the study group idea, you are not getting anything done. Go to a room completely alone and challenge yourself.

Also, before choosing your classes, pick the ones you find the most difficult and intellectually challenging. We both know you like that.

When you choose to sit down and study, read. Just read. Did not get it? Read again. Read and read and read until you have everything memorized. It is old-fashioned, I know, but it will work for you.

Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)

Don’t be so hard on yourself, darling. Trying to force yourself into a strict daily routine won’t get you anywhere. You are not like that.

What you need is a little competitive and practical way of studying. Make yourself a quiz and then quiz your friends! Let’s see who gets more of the questions right. Not only you are having fun, but you are also making everything practical just the way you love it.

Capricorn (December 22 – January 20)

Just like our Sagittarius gang, don’t be so hard on yourself. You don’t need much to get organized. You just need and constant routine.

So, stop studying only the night before the exams — that will not work out for you. Instead, try to study a bit day by day, so you are already prepared when the time comes.

Aquarius (January 21 – February 19)

Stop procrastinating. Stop thinking about studying. Just do it.

Make it as chaotic as you want, just don’t let it fall into boredom. With that being said, teach someone, record a podcast about the subject the day after that, write notes, sing your formulas, so you can memorize them. Make it chaotic. It will work.

Pisces (February 20 – March 20)

Pisces, this is not the time to get emotional and overwhelmed. Instead of being frustrated about “stuff you don’t get”, start from the basics. Understand the base of that certain subject, the language you are learning in. Understand what makes you understand those topics you are studying. That way, you won’t be surprised when you stumble upon something difficult, you will know where it came from and the whole context of it.

Take it easy (and please don’t cry).

Journalism major, playlist enthusiast and enemies-to-lovers #1 fan Campus Correspondent @ Her Campus at Cásper Líbero