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“Inside Out 2”: What to expect from the sequel of the movie we all loved so much?

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Casper Libero chapter.

Growing up, new emotions and an audience which grew up with Riley.


The original movie was released on June 15th, 2015 and was directed by Pete Docter. Some of the main characters are Riley, Bill Andersen (her dad), Jill Andersen (her mother), Joy, Sadness, Anger, Fear, Disgust and Bing Bong.

The production tells Riley’s story, an 11-year-old girl, and her family just moved from Minnesota to San Francisco and now they have to restart their lives with new friends, new places and new experiences. By going through each basic emotion, Riley needs to deal with joy (when winning a hockey game); sadness (when moving to another city); disgust (when having to eat broccoli); anger (when she’s not able to do whatever she wants)  and fear (when arriving to the new school). It’s important to highlight that every character in the movie has its own ‘emotions figures’ and they also appear during the production when impactful things happen with their “owners”.

It’s a really emotional movie about changing, growing up and learning to embrace every one of your emotions (even though it might be hurtful). Although “Inside Out” is an animated child movie, some might think that it doesn’t have a big meaning, but if you pay close attention you’ll see that it has an amazing message.


Released in Brazil on June 20th, 2024, “Inside Out 2” was directed by Kelsey Mann and has some new emotions in the cast: Anxiety, Nostalgia, Envy, Embarrassment and Ennui.

Now, Riley is a 13-year-old teenager who is entering puberty and, with that, has to deal with new emotions and obstacles. With that, the “older” emotions need to understand how to manage the situation to keep Riley happy and well, but that might be more challenging than it looks.


Bearing in mind the public of the first movie grew up with Riley, I would say we are expecting to recognize ourselves again on the big screens, in the same way we did in 2015. Anxiety taking control, joy being less present in general life, fear of the future, nostalgia when we need comfort, ennui because of the routine, envy and disgust dealing with new friendships, anger and sadness when plans get out of our control and embarrassment when doing something new.

So, personally, I am expecting to get emotional by remembering my growing journey. We’ll probably think about the future, friends, family and experiences we are yet to live. I also want to try finding some implicit Pixar easter eggs (such as the ‘Up’ one as well as other ones in the first movie). And, of course, value more tiny little moments that, in the past, I hadn’t.

‘Inside Out 2’ will keep us on the edge of our seats and feelings from the beginning to the end. And I guess we’ll be anxiously waiting for the third movie.

What about you? Are you hoping for the same? 
Author’s tip: if you are passionate about “Inside Out”, just like me, have a look at these curiosities and maybe, be even more excited to see the cutest Pixar movie again.


This article above was edited by Gabriela Travizzanutto.

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Marina Buozzi

Casper Libero '27

A journalist in formation passionated about Communication and discovering new stories, living unusual experiences and learning different things.