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Is Doing “Childish” Things A Way Of Healing Our Inner Child?

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Casper Libero chapter.

When we find ourselves in a situation where we feel in danger or scared, we usually go to a place that brings us some peace of mind or even do something that calms us down. A lot of people find their happy places by thinking or doing something that reminds them of their childhood.

As kids, doing childish things helps us develop the capability of turning into fearless children, full of curiosity. But, when people grow up, these amazing features tend to slowly disappear, to the detriment of social responsibilities imposed on young adults. 

The “bad childhood” adults

Some people didn’t have the best family scenario when they were growing up. Considering that a good family environment, upbringing, studies and entertainment are very important things for a child, it is a fact that the most important one is an excellent family structure. But what could be so wrong, if these “requirements” were not fulfilled?

It is considered that when children suffer psychological or physical abuse at home, when the need to work is imposed on them, when they are neglected or ignored by their closest ones or even when they are obligated to grow up too fast, it is quite common that the very last thing that these children will do is being a kid, turning their past into bad consequences to their future selves. Considering that when they were kids, if they hadn’t had the “ideal childhood”, their ability to be fearless, curious and creative young people may have interfered in their ability to see and “speak” to the world as kids and, consequently, as adults. 

Subsequently, these adults will have more difficulty accessing some personality traits that human beings usually develop when they were kids, simply doing what children normally do: playing games and sports, drawing, talking to their friends and using their imagination. As a result, this lack of a good childhood will create more “serious” adults, who don’t see much of the weightless and bright side of life. Moreover, these people will have a certain block when they see themselves in a situation when a more creative look is needed.

The “good childhood” adults

On the contrary, there are people who grew up in a good and stable family environment, doing things that were appropriate for a kid. These children most possibly developed the abilities that are easier to possess and maintain as a child, such as: the abundance of creativity and the spirit of inquiry, the capability to solve and deal with problems, establish relationships, and the ability to understand their own feelings and the world.

These circumstances can be proven by the psychologist, Alexia Lucena, who said: “Eventually, when these young people turn into adults, it will probably be easier for them to develop these child qualities when compared to the “bad childhoodadults “.

What will happen If adults keep doing “childish” activities?

When an adult plays a board game, practices a sport or even plays “pretend” with his own child (do something considered “childish”, in general), the human brain goes through a process called neuroplasticity. This system happens when a connection is created between the brain neurons, in addition, the stronger the connection is, the greater the cognitive capacity of each person will be, according to the psycho-pedagogue Carla Silva.

As a consequence, the attitude of doing something considered “childish”, when it’s done by adults, leads to so many good consequences. First, the ability to be creative, and use your own mind when it’s needed, not only in business, like when you have a task to present to your boss, but also in social aspects too, for example: creating resolutions for a problem in your family or community, inventing many types of games to play with the kids in your family, giving advice to the closest ones around you and so many other things.

Also, when we keep this “child lifestyle” in our lives, it is so much easier to remember that we are only humans. Because when we grow up and adult life starts to be a reality, and not just a distant future, society starts to put a lot of responsibilities on us, and sometimes, it is hard to keep seeing life as we did as kids, as well as remembering that we are only mortal, from the moment that we take out first breath to the final one, and not some divine figure that never makes any mistakes and it is just perfect. It can be really difficult to remember that it is acceptable to make mistakes and if we keep our inner child alive, we can treat ourselves with more kindness, then without charging us so hard, adult life would be much better and easier.

Besides, maintaining this child spirit alive helps you, as a grown-up human being who probably experienced a lot in life, view every single day in a lighter way. As kids, life is so fun and so good to be lived, why we, as adults, can’t view it the same way, and be as happy as we can be?

 So, doing “childish” things may not cure your inner child, when you have suffered a trauma in the past or even have just experienced not so many good things as a kid, but it can certainly help your older self be the best version of yourself, for your own benefit and for others around you.


The article above was edited by Duda Kabzas.
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Maryanna Arison

Casper Libero '27

Just a journalism student at Casper Libero and a girl passionate about life, books, food and writing!